Chart Reading - My Offerings

For more information about my readings and booking, scroll down past the offerings listing to the 'Further Information' section.

To book a reading, email me at

Chart Offerings - Phone Consultations:

Individual System Reading: This chart work is for those who only want to look at their chart through one method/house system (client's choice). This is the same as the Full Natal Reading, but lacks the multi-zodiacal synthesis of the Full Natal Reading. The phone session runs approximately one hour to one and a half hours.... $125.00

Individual System Reading (without birth time):This chart work is for those who only want to look at their chart through one method/house system (client's choice), but lack their birth time. The same as above, but lacking the points that can only be calculated with the accurate birth time..... $100.00

Full Natal Reading: Using the system that I described on the sample reading pages, I use four Zodiacal Systems and two house systems in this reading. Phone consultation that will run an hour and a half up to two hours. You are welcome to record our conversation.... $200.00

Full Natal Reading without birth time: The same as above, but lacking the points that can only be calculated with the accurate birth time. Phone session runs one hour to one and a half hours...$150.00

Supplemental Chart Offerings - Phone Consultations:

Solar Return/Time Lord Profection: Diagnostic for the coming year. Runs from birthday to birthday. This method focuses on the Tropical/Placidus system, and I will also synthesize the True Constellational Sidereal planetary placements into this reading for those who are interested. The Time Lord is based upon the Tropical/Whole Sign house natal placements. Phone session runs one hour....$100.00

Zodiacal Releasing: Focusing on Part of Spirit. Diagnostic about what L1 period you are in with releasing of Spirit, looking for prominent L2 periods, upcoming Loosening of the Bonds periods. Spirit Releasing is focused on career and the destiny in life. While I touch on the Spirit releasing period in the natal reading, this reading is more extensive and in depth. Phone session runs forty-five minutes.... $100.00

I am able to do other types of chart work. You are welcome to inquire if you are interested in having me do chart work that isn't listed here. If can do it, I will. If I can't I will be more than happy to tell you. For any inquiries you can email me at or by clicking here.

Further Information
Announcement for 2021 - Updated

For 2021 I will be offering a wider range of readings and options for readings, including phone-conversation-only readings at a reduced rate, in addition to the detailed readings that include a long written report as well as the phone conversation. I am able to offer the phone-conversation-only readings for a lower cost because I am able to eliminate the long and laborious process of producing a 30 to 40 page written document. I am doing this to offer my unique chart reading methods to a wider range of customers who might not be able to afford the full reading. However, for those who wish to have the full reading, including the written report, I am still making that work available, though I can't take these on in large number due to the time involved in producing the written document. 


For many years, friends have asked me to increase my exposure, and to offer my reading work to a wider audience. I felt content to just keep studying and work on charts as a tool to gaining further understanding. I have now practiced astrology for over twenty-five years and have been studying astrology for over thirty years. At this point, some changes I initiated a couple of years ago in my life have come to fruition and will enable me to take new appointments. To schedule appointments, you should contact me by email, as I don't do online booking and this blog is not a commercial site, so this page is simply to explain the various types of chart work that I do and the price range of the various types of work that I offer.

It is important for me to stress to everyone reading this that I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, medical professional or a financial advisor. I cannot offer advice on issues related to said vocations. What I offer is an interpretation of the planetary configurations of the chart(s) I am looking at. I can offer you suggestions as to what the planets seem to indicate, but I encourage you to make your own decisions in life, and neither I, nor astrology, can make your decisions for you. It is incumbent upon you to seek expert, professional, licensed advice on any and all decisions you take in your life, in every possible area, but especially in terms of health and finances. Astrology is a language of archetypes and metaphor, and is meant to offer you entertainment, personal insight and material to explore as you walk your journey in life; you might say astrology is much like life-coaching. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical, mental or financial advice from a trained, licensed professional.

I usually require at least a week or two to work up a chart reading, and I typically do no more than four chart readings within a given week, though I honestly prefer to do two in a week. I am often booked in advance, though sometimes cancellations occur, and I might be able to fit you in, but I will still require some time to do the actual chart work before we convene to have a discussion about the chart. Be sure to look over my Sample Reading pages at the Readings Main Page to get an idea of what you can expect from my full natal readings. There is a good amount of writing involved in the work I do, and I like to then take some time to just let the chart settle into my mind and see what emerges from the depths, in addition to the detailed procedure I use in writing up the chart reading.

The way I like to do a reading that involves the written document is to prepare the write-up a couple of weeks before the scheduled phone consultation, send the written portion to the client to read over when it is ready, take some time to let the chart settle into my mind and let the client have some time to absorb it, giving the client time to formulate questions. I like it if the client will write out the main questions they have and send them by email before we have a phone discussion, then we can have a pre-scheduled phone call to discuss the chart and consider any questions the client might have. This is the basic outline for all the types of chart work I do. I don't get in a big hurry on doing a chart. It is an art and science and it takes some time to do well. There may well be instances when a particular piece of chart work will not require the phone call portion, but I generally prefer to casually talk with my clients about their charts in order to ensure they will be able to get what they need out of their reading. I don't record the phone calls, but you are always welcome to, if you want a record of the call.

In order to do a chart reading, there is certain information I will need from the client. I must have a birth date (Day/Month/Year) and in most cases I require an accurate time of birth (hour and minute) as well as a place of birth (city/state/country). I prefer to have an accurate birth time, but if you just don't know the time and can't find out, I can cast the charts into natural wheels, as the points I consider to be the most important (seasonal quadrants of the zodiacs, aspects between the planets and sign/constellation placements) can be calculated regardless of the birth time. In a chart without the birth time, we can't use houses, and houses give us another layer of information, but the houses are not the end-all-and-be-all of astrology. We also can't calculate points like the Part of Fortune, Part of Spirit, etc, and because of that we will not be able to  do techniques like Zodiacal Releasing or Time Lords (yearly profections), and your moon can only be calculated within a range, and not pinned down to a degree. So if you don't have a birth time, we can still do quite a bit of work for you, but without using all the techniques; still if you don't have a birth time, something is better than nothing. 

I also encourage clients to send me two or three major areas of focus that they are interested in exploring in the reading. This is not essential, but it is encouraged, and most people seem to have areas in life they have questions about, want to work on and improve or change, so I always want to be open and amenable to the client's interests. Payment is required in order to book a reading. My preferred payment method is Paypal.

*Chart readings are for spiritual and personal exploration purposes only. I am not a medical, psychological, psychiatric or financial professional and as such do not offer advice concerning these issues. Be clear that I cannot offer medical, mental or financial advice, and can only suggest where such issues might be at play and then suggest you seek professional advice if such issues are reflected in your chart. It is up to you to make decisions for your life.


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