Chart Reading - Sample Chart part 1

Example Natal Chart Reading - Part 1

Listing of each planet and important point, using Placidus Tropical (P), Whole Sign Tropical (WST), Whole Sign Sidereal (WSS) and True Constellational Signs (TCS). 

  1. Ascendant  - (P and WST) 15 Libra 33, (WSS) 20 Virgo, (TCS) mid-Virgo - ASC ruler (P and WST) Venus, (WSS and TCS) Mercury. Aspects - Sextile: Uranus, Mercury, Part of Fortune, Part of Spirit. Superior Square: Jupiter, Venus, Nadir. Inferior Square: MC.
  2. Descendant - (P and WST) 15 Aries 33, (WSS) 20 Pisces, (TCS) Mid-Pisces - Desc ruler (P and WST) Mars, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Inferior square: Jupiter, Venus, Nadir. Superior square: MC. Trine: Uranus, Mercury, Part of Fortune, Part of Spirit.
  3. Midheaven - (P and WST) 17 Cancer 48 (in 10th WST), (WSS) 22 Gemini/10th, (TCS) late Gemini/10th - MC ruler (P and WST) Moon, (WSS and TCS) Mercury. Aspects - Sextile: Moon, South Node (wide). Superior square: ASC. Inferior square: DESC. Trine: Saturn, Sun (wide) North Node (wide), Opposition: Jupiter.
  4. Nadir - (P and WST) 17 Capricorn 48 (in 4th WST), (WSS) 22 Sagittarius/4th, (TCS) Mid-Sagittarius/4th - Nadir ruler - (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Jupiter. Sextile Saturn, Sun (wide), North Node (wide). Square: MC, DESC. Trine: Moon, South Node (wide).
  5. Sun - (P and WST) 26 Scorpio 11 in 2nd house, (WSS) 01 Scorpio in 2nd house, (TCS) Late Libra in 2nd house - Scorpio in three methods, and Libra (fall) in one method - predominance of Scorpio influences on sun. Second house in all four methods. Ruler (P, WST, WSS) Mars, (TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: South Node, Saturn (wide - departing). Sextile: Moon (applying). Opposition: Part of Eros (departing), North Node (applying).
  6. Moon - (P and WST) 23 Virgo 24 in 12th house, (WSS) 28 Leo in 12th, (TCS) early Virgo in 12th house. Virgo in three methods and Leo in one - predominance of Virgo influences. In 12th house in all four. Ruler (P, WST and TCS) Mercury (WSS) Sun. Aspects - Sextile: Saturn (departing), Sun (applying), South Node (applying). Square: Mercury (Departing), Part of Fortune (departing), Neptune (applying). Trine: Part of Eros (exact to degree), North Node (applying).
  7. Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC.
  8. Venus - (P) 5 Capricorn 14 in 3rd, (WST) 5 Capricorn 14 in 4th, (WSS) 10 Sagittarius in 4th,  (TCS) early Sagittarius in 3rd. Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods. 3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Neptune (departing), Jupiter (applying). Sextile: Pluto (departing).
  9. Mars - (P) 1 Aquarius 56 in 4th house, (WST)1 Aquarius 56 in 5th house, (WSS) 6 Capricorn in 5th, (TCS) early Capricorn in 4th. In Aquarius in two methods and in Capricorn (exaltation) by two methods. In 4th house by two methods and in 5th house by two methods. Ruler in all four methods, Saturn. Aspects - Sextile: South Node (departing). Square: Pluto (applying). Trine: North Node (departing).
  10. Jupiter - (P) 11 Capricorn 58 in 3rd, (WST) 11 Capricorn 58 in 4th, (WSS) 16 Sagittarius in 4th, (TCS) Mid-Sagittarius in 3rd. In Capricorn (fall) in two methods, in Sagittarius (domicile) by two methods. In 3rd in two methods and 4th in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn (Fall), (WSS and TCS) Jupiter (Domicile dignity). Aspects - Conjunct: Venus (applying). Square: ASC, DESC. Opposite: MC.
  11. Saturn - (P and WST) 19 Scorpio 54 in 2nd house, (WSS) 24 Libra in 2nd house, (TCS) Mid-Libra in 2nd house. In Scorpio in two methods and in Libra (exaltation) in two methods. In the second house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Mars, (WSS and TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: Sun (departing), South Node. Sextile: Moon (departing). Square: Part of Spirit. Opposite: North Node, Part of Eros.
  12. Uranus - (P) 12 Sagittarius 44 in 2nd house, (WST) 12 Sagittarius 44 in 3rd house, (WSS) 17 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Late Scorpio in the 2nd house. In Sagittarius in two methods, and in Scorpio in two methods. In second house in two methods and in 3rd house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter, (WSS and TCS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Mercury (departing), Part of Fortune. Opposition: Chiron.
  13. Neptune - (P and WST) 29 Sagittarius 53 in the 3rd house, (WSS) 4 Sagittarius in 3rd, (TCS)  Early Sagittarius in 3rd house. In Sagittarius and 3rd house in all four methods. Totally Sag/3rd. Ruler in all four methods, Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Venus (departing). Sextile: Pluto.
  14. Pluto - (P) 3 Scorpio 01 in 1st house, (WST) 3 Scorpio 01 in 2nd house, (WSS) 8 Libra in 2nd house, (TCS) Late Virgo in the 1st house. In Scorpio in two methods (P and WST), Libra in one method (WSS) and in Virgo in TCS. In 1st house in 2 methods and 2nd house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Mars, (WSS) Venus, (TCS) Mercury. Aspects - Sextile: Venus (departing). Square: Mars (applying), Part of Spirit (wide).
  15. Chiron - (P) 6 Gemini 26 in the 8th house, (WST) 6 Gemini 26 in the 9th house, (WSS) 11 Taurus in the 9th house, (TCS) Mid-Taurus in the 8th. Gemini in two methods, Taurus in two methods. 8th house in two methods, 9th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Mercury, (WSS and TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: North Node. Sextile: Part of Spirit. Trine: Mars (applying). Opposition: Sun, South Node.
  16. North Node - (P and WST) 27 Taurus 26 in 8th house, (WSS) 2 Taurus in the 8th house, (TCS) Early Taurus in 8th house. In Taurus in all four methods, and 8th house in all four methods. Ruler, Moon in all four methods. Aspects - Conjunct: Chiron, Part of Eros. Trine: Mars. Opposition: Saturn, Sun, South Node.
  17. South Node - (P and WST ) 27 Scorpio 26 in 2nd house, (WSS) 2 Taurus in the 2nd house, (TCS) Late Libra in the 2nd house. In Scorpio in three methods and Libra in one method (TCS). In the 2nd house in all four methods. Ruler (P, WST and WSS) Moon, (TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: Sun (applying), Saturn. Sextile: Moon (applying). Opposite: Chiron, North Node, Part of Eros.
  18. Part of Fortune - (P and WST) 18 Sagittarius 19 in the 3rd house, (WSS) 23 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd house. In Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one method and Ophiuchus in TCS. In 3rd house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter, (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Mercury, Uranus. Sextile: ASC. Trine: DESC.
  19. Part of Spirit - (P) 12 Leo in 10th house, (WST) 12 Leo in 11th house, (WSS) 17 Cancer in 11th house, (TCS) Mid-Cancer in the 10th. In Leo in two methods, and Cancer in two methods. In the 10th in two methods and the 11th in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Sun, (WSS and TCS) Moon. Aspects - Sextile: ASC, Chiron. Square: Saturn. Trine: DESC.
  20. Part of Eros - (P and WST) 23 Taurus in the 8th house, (WSS) 28 Aries in the 8th, (TCS) Early Taurus in the 8th house. In Taurus in three methods and Aries in one method (WSS). In the 8th house in all four methods. Ruler (P, WST and TCS) Moon, (WSS) Mars. Aspects -  Conjunct: North Node. Trine: Moon (applying). Opposition: Saturn, Sun, South Node.


  1. (P and WST) Libra (Ruler 3rd/4th), (WSS and TCS) Virgo (Ruler 3rd)
  2. (P and WST) Scorpio (Ruler 4th/5th), (WSS and TCS) Libra (ruler 3rd/4th)
  3. (P and WST) Sagittarius (Ruler 3rd/4th), (WSS) Scorpio (Ruler 4th/5th) (TCS) Ophiuchus
  4. (P and WST) Capricorn (Ruler 2nd), (WSS and TCS) Sagittarius (Ruler 3rd/4th)
  5. (P and WST Aquarius (Ruler 2nd), (WSS and TCS) Capricorn (Ruler 2nd)
  6. (P and WST) Pisces (Ruler 3rd/4th), (WSS and TCS) Aquarius (Ruler 2nd)
  7. (P and WST) Aries (Ruler 4th/5th), (WSS and TCS) Pisces (Ruler 3rd/4th)
  8. (P and WST) Taurus (Ruler 3rd/4th), (WSS and TCS) Aries (Ruler 4th/5th)
  9. (P and WST) Gemini (Ruler 3rd), (WSS and TCS) Taurus (Ruler 3rd/4th)
  10. (P and WST) Cancer (Ruler 12th), (WSS and TCS) Gemini (Ruler 3rd)
  11. (P and WST) Leo (Ruler 2nd), (WSS) Cancer (Ruler 12th), (TCS) Leo (Ruler 2nd)
  12. (P and WST) Virgo (Ruler 3rd), (WSS and TCS) Leo (Ruler 2nd)
*(Cancer on no cusp in TCS)


Night Sect Planets - Moon (sect light), Venus (sect benefic), Mars (sect malefic).

Out-of-Sect Planets - Sun (OOS Light), Jupiter (OOS Benefic), Saturn (OOS Malefic).

Mercury is the balancer of both sects, and so is neutral by sect.

No retrograde planets.

ASC Ruler - (P and WST) Venus (primary ruler), (WSS and TCS) Mercury (secondary or shadow ruler).

*Venus - (P) 5 Capricorn 14 in 3rd, (WST) 5 Capricorn 14 in 4th, (WSS) 10 Sagittarius in 4th,  (TCS) early Sagittarius in 3rd. Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods. 3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Neptune (departing), Jupiter (applying). Sextile: Pluto (departing).

*Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC.

MC ruler - (P and WST) Moon (primary ruler), (WSS and TCS) Mercury (secondary or shadow ruler).

*Moon - (P and WST) 23 Virgo 24 in 12th house, (WSS) 28 Leo in 12th, (TCS) early Virgo in 12th house. Virgo in three methods and Leo in one - predominance of Virgo influences. In 12th house in all four. Ruler (P, WST and TCS) Mercury (WSS) Sun. Aspects - Sextile: Saturn (departing), Sun (applying), South Node (applying). Square: Mercury (Departing), Part of Fortune (departing), Neptune (applying). Trine: Part of Eros (exact to degree), North Node (applying).

*Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC.

Sun ruler -(P, WST, WSS) Mars (primary ruler), (TCS) Venus (secondary or shadow ruler).

*Mars - (P) 1 Aquarius 56 in 4th house, (WST)1 Aquarius 56 in 5th house, (WSS) 6 Capricorn in 5th, (TCS) early Capricorn in 4th. In Aquarius in two methods and in Capricorn (exaltation) by two methods. In 4th house by two methods and in 5th house by two methods. Ruler in all four methods, Saturn. Aspects - Sextile: South Node (departing). Square: Pluto (applying). Trine: North Node (departing).

*Venus - (P) 5 Capricorn 14 in 3rd, (WST) 5 Capricorn 14 in 4th, (WSS) 10 Sagittarius in 4th,  (TCS) early Sagittarius in 3rd. Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods. 3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Neptune (departing), Jupiter (applying). Sextile: Pluto (departing).

Moon ruler - (P, WST and TCS) Mercury (primary ruler), (WSS) Sun (secondary ruler).

*Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC. 

*Sun - (P and WST) 26 Scorpio 11 in 2nd house, (WSS) 01 Scorpio in 2nd house, (TCS) Late Libra in 2nd house - Scorpio in three methods, and Libra (fall) in one method - predominance of Scorpio influences on sun. Second house in all four methods. Ruler (P, WST, WSS) Mars, (TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: South Node, Saturn (wide - departing). Sextile: Moon (applying). Opposition: Part of Eros (departing), North Node (applying).

Major planets of ASC, MC, Sun and Moon

Mercury (x 3), Venus (x 2), Moon (x 1), Mars (x 1), Sun (x 1).

Points that don’t change sign in the four methods.
(Such points strongly and purely reflect their sign)
Neptune (Sagittarius)
North Node (Taurus)

Points that are the same sign in 3 methods, but change sign in 1 method.
(Such points predominantly reflect the main sign, with influences from the second sign)
Sun (Scorpio in three methods, and Libra in one method)
Moon (Virgo in three methods and Leo in one)
South Node (Scorpio in three methods and Libra in one method)
Part of Eros (In Taurus in three methods and Aries in one method)

Points that are split between two signs.
(Such points show influences from both signs) 
Venus (Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods)
Mars (In Aquarius in two methods and in Capricorn by two methods)
Jupiter (In Capricorn in two methods, in Sagittarius by two methods)
Saturn (In Scorpio in two methods and in Libra in two methods)
Uranus (In Sagittarius in two methods and in Scorpio in two methods)
Chiron (Gemini in two methods Taurus in two methods)
Part of Spirit (In Leo in two methods, and Cancer in two methods)

Points split between three signs.
(Such points can be wild cards, reflecting multiple energies)
Mercury (Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in TCS.)
Pluto (In Scorpio in two methods, Libra in one method and in Virgo in TCS)
Part of Fortune (In Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one method and Ophiuchus in TCS)

Points that don’t change house in the four methods.
(Such points are purely reflections of their house)
Sun (2nd house in all four methods)
Moon (12th house in all four methods)
Mercury (3rd house in all four methods)
Saturn (2nd house in all four methods)
Neptune (3rd house in all four methods)
North Node (8th house in all four methods)
South Node (2nd house in all four methods)
Part of Fortune (3rd house in all four methods)
Part of Eros (8th house in all four methods)

Points that are the same house in 3 methods, but change house in 1 method.
(Such points predominantly reflect the main house meanings, with influences from the second house)

Points that are split between two houses.
(Such points show influences from both houses)
Venus (3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods)
Mars (4th house by two methods and in 5th house by two methods)
Jupiter (3rd in two methods and 4th in two methods)
Uranus (2nd house in two methods and in 3rd house in two methods)
Pluto (1st house in two methods and 2nd house in two methods)
Chiron (8th house in two methods, 9th house in two methods)
Part of Spirit (10th in two methods and the 11th in two methods)

Points that don’t change sign or house
(Such points are very fixed in the expression of sign and house, and tend to be very strong in the chart, in the sense of not being negotiable, appearing ‘fated’ or dealing with destiny)
Neptune (Sagittarius/3rd house in all four methods)
North Node (Taurus/8th house in all four methods)

Points incorporating Ophiuchus (TCS)
(Ophiuchus will add influences dealing with struggle against impossible odds, victim/savior complexes, and hidden knowledge)
Part of Fortune
3rd house cusp

Zodiacal Releasing L1 periods

Fortune - Capricorn (Sept. 16, 1996 - Mar. 4, 2022), Aquarius (Apr. 28, 2023 - May 25, 2052)

Spirit - Virgo (Aug. 11, 2003 - Feb. 27, 2023), Libra (Apr. 28, 2023 - Nov. 17, 2030)

Eros - Cancer (Jun. 24, 2012 - Sept. 16, 2036), Leo (Feb. 13, 2037 - Jun. 14, 2054)



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