The Ages

For the links to articles on the ages, scroll past the text to the end of the page.

The Ages are a subject that we hear about a lot, but there seems to be little consistency or grounding to a lot of what we hear. I have studied the Ages for over two decades and will be writing about my view of the subject here on this blog. 

At the bottom of this page I will link all the articles I write concerning the Ages. I will be looking at both the Precessional Zodiacal Ages and the Yuga Cycle Ages, as well as how they interact. I will also link articles concerning the planets Jupiter and Saturn in their roles as Lords of the Ages for the Precessional Age of Pisces (Jupiter) and the approaching Precessional Age of Aquarius (Saturn).

The above image shows the geological ages as set out by geologists and other earth scientists. It is not meant to illustrate the precessional or Yuga ages, and is simply illustrative of the spiraling form. This is how I conceptualize all cycles - as movements through time in a spiral, ever returning to the same region of the circle, but not in exactly the same place. To me, this implies movement through time and space. Not necessarily an upward movement or advancement, but just a constant cycle of going forth and returning upon itself through time, while also moving through space.

I do want to say here on the introduction page to this subject that I believe that we are now in a "new age". I feel that we entered the ascending Bronze Age of the Yuga cycle as applied to the Precessional cycle around 2012, and so we have only been in this new age for a few years (as of writing in 2021). This is not the "Age of Aquarius" that we hear so much about, and I think we are a few hundred years away from the change to the precessional age of Aquarius, but I feel this change represents the last phase in the build-up to the Age of Aquarius - a chance to get the final centuries of the Age of Pisces right before the flip over to Aquarius. When I say that we are in a "new age", what I feel that this means is that there is a new energy available to us. It isn't the "instant golden age" of utopian fantasies, nor is it the apocalyptic "end of the world" of religious eschatology and dystopian fantasies.

What I do think this represents is a step up in energy where things start to gradually get better, incrementally, over time - not in some big, dramatic 'moment of change', but as a gradual process of paradigm change. I will be the first to point out that things have looked worse and worse since 2012, but I think that what we are seeing is a separating of old, iron age energies from new bronze age energies, and the calamitous appearance is there to push the new energy to the surface through a critical mass of fear, hate, greed and stupidity that forces us to adopt new ways, begin to live a new paradigm, and thus actualize the new energy into the world. To me, it is sort of like the Universe is drawing a line under the old, iron age energies to highlight them and make their shortcomings obvious.

This bronze age energy is not something we have to 'build'. We don't have to 'get busy building a new world'. It is just something we have to live. Living your truth, and beginning to live in new ways and without fear and shame, anchors the energy into the world. The energy is present, it is available to us, and it is causing the death of old systems, but this is not the end of the world. I can't stress enough how much this new ascending bronze energy is available, even if not visible and obvious, if we just reach out for it and live it. Start living that energy, and just recede, dissolve, disappear from the old energy format of the iron age world. All of us born before 2012 are iron age people, so this transition isn't going to be easy for us all, and some will never move into the new energy. That's fine. Those of us who do will need a reminder of what that energy was, as will the bronze age people who are now being born. There is no example like a living example, and that axiom explains much that we see in the world right now!

What I feel is that since we are now in ascending bronze age energy, things can be accomplished that have not been possible for a long time. The overarching message I receive is to start reshaping our cynical, iron-age expectations of defeat and destruction, loose the victim/savior complex, the belief in "good versus evil", the extreme dualism that has created so much imbalance with wild pendulum swings from one extreme to the other, and stop nursing unrealistic expectations of perfection, purity and ideological compliance. The energy available at this time is new to us, and yet it is also very old. That energy is available on Earth again after a long absence, and you can't access it if you are holding onto old stories and expectations. In the articles linked below we will consider many points related to the ages, and to the Ascending Bronze Age in particular, expanding upon the points I have mentioned above.


Ages Articles

New - July 6th, 2022


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