Outer Planets

The planets around our sun fall into two groups: the inner planets and the outer planets. The inner planets are generally considered to be the planets that are visible to the naked eye, and which were known in ancient times, and therefore used in ancient astrology systems. The Sun and Moon are considered 'the lights', and the inner planets are Mercury, Venus and Mars, along with Jupiter and Saturn. In modern times, as telescopes have allowed us to see beyond the realm of human vision, we have discovered the other planets in our solar system, the outer planets. Those planets are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (even though it is currently demoted to a "dwarf planet" by astronomy), along with many astroids. 

On this blog I will be writing about the Outer Planets, as contrasted with the traditional Inner Planets, to outline how I use and work with these planets, and to explain my views about them, their uses in astrology and what rulership they may or may not have. Check back often for new articles.

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