
I want to offer this disclaimer so that no one can say they weren't warned. This blog will deal with adult topics, and is not for children or the easily offended. I will be looking at the issues and themes of Saturn and Pluto, and such themes aren't just 'mature', but are often uncomfortable, impolite and triggering. I want this blog to be a space where I can discuss any and all issues that might arise, and there will be themes of sex and sexuality, gender and non-gender conformity, life and death, decay and rebirth, 'impolite' issues and things that polite society generally tries to sweep under the rug. Much of the aesthetic of this blog will be something other than daisies, hearts and sunshine on kitties. If you are simply horrified by anything you encounter here, maybe this blog isn't for you. There are many blogs out there, and I am sure you can find one that suits your sensibilities, if this one is just too much for you, but if you like what you see here, welcome and well-met! May you enjoy your time here, and may you find it useful, educational and, perhaps, just a little bit of fun, too. I hope my gallows humor, fringe aesthetic and research into planets and astrological influences that are often shied away from will give you as much joy as it gives me. While I may at times deal with topics that others would label as 'dark', I feel that sometimes it is in the darkness that we find the light, and so I invite you to see if you can take something useful and positive from your time here, but if you can't, then don't go away mad, just go away. You came to this blog. I didn't force you to come here, and I am not forcing anyone to stay. Stay with peace, or go with peace, and peace be upon you!

Thank you!

Astro Gallus 

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