
Hello and Welcome!

Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Allow me to tell you about what you can expect from my blog. 

I have been practicing astrology since the late 1990s, but my interest goes back into the early 1980s. In that time I have studied a number of systems and methods, and I have come to understand that I have special resonance with the planets Saturn and Pluto, thanks to my own birth chart, though I have studied all the planets and many of the astroids in depth. I find that Saturn is the bridge that brings the ineffable into the physical reality, while Pluto is the force that pulls the raw energy of the Void into the solar system, allowing Saturn to manifest that energy, along with the energy of the other outer planets, into the physical realm and our human lives. 

In the late 1990s I became aware of the two major zodiacal systems: Tropical and Sidereal. I began to study both, seeking to determine which one was "right". This led me to study the astronomical constellations and to calculate the degrees of each of the thirteen constellations that fall across the ecliptic. Again, I was seeking the "true" astrology, but what I found is that each zodiacal system offers interesting and useful information. Over time I have developed a method of chart reading that utilizes all of these methods to induce a wider understanding of the personality and destiny. This study also led me to a deep consideration of the Precession of the Equinoxes, the meaning of the Equinoctial Ages, and their interaction with the mathematical formula of the Yuga cycle from the Vedas. It has seemed that at various times the right information has appeared for me to proceed in my study, and I have been very lucky to find some excellent teachers along the way.

 It was with great interest that I noted, as I found writers and researchers online who were also calculating the astronomical constellational zodiac, that their calculations tended to fall within just a degree or two of my own calculations. I found this very encouraging, and this gave me further incentive to continue on with my work. I have incorporated these techniques into my chart reading work for the last two decades with very good feedback and many satisfied chart readings. I have studied thousands of charts in that time. Now, over twenty-years later, I feel I am ready to begin to share my understanding and methodology with a wider audience, but I don't want this to just be a dry, academic blog where we only discuss techniques.

I am in love with life, and there is so much in the world that is marvelous and beautiful! In this blog, I want to look at cultural trends, music, art, history, philosophy, the myriad expressions of human nature and the natural world with its manifold wonders, and put these things into an astrological context. In some posts I will discuss astrology, the astrological techniques and meanings, as the paramount theme of the post, but in other posts, I will look at the particular subject, perhaps only touching briefly on the astrological significance. But don't doubt for a minute that the astrological themes aren't there! If I am interested in it, you can bet that Saturn and Pluto is involved in some way, and sometimes I will just want to look at things that bring me joy, that which thrills my soul, or that I think is particularly noteworthy. For someone with a heavy emphasis on Saturn and Pluto, I also have strong Jupiterian and Venusian influences, and so I am an optimist. You won't find dreary conspiracy theories and endless sky-is-falling pessimism here, because even if the sky is falling, you can always build a new one... if you have some insight and knowledge.

I am a practicing astrologer who does take clients, but this is not meant to be a commercial site. If you like what you see here and wish to have me do a reading for you, you can contact me for details. And in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the meandering stroll we are about to take through the Void!

Astro Gallus

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