Zodiacal Systems - Aspects

Aspects, to me, is one of the most important parts of astrological interpretation. What I have come to realize over the years that I have been studying various styles of astrological interpretation is that the aspects remain the same in almost all of them, and the distances in degree are something with basis in the reality of the heavens at that moment for which the chart is cast. In other words, as viewed from earth, any two points will have a geometric relation to each other, and when the two points are in certain configurations, those are potent and have effects. 

There are many different geometric configurations that can be used and different astrologers use any number of them. I tend to stick with a small handful, while acknowledging that others which I don't use are probably effective too. I focus on the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, inconjunct and opposition. The distances between points for the aspects:

Conjunction - 0 degrees
Sextile - 60 degrees
Square - 90 degrees
Trine - 120 degrees
Inconjunct - 150 degrees
Opposition - 180 degrees

Most astrologers use an orb of influence for aspects. I tend to use about three degrees either side of the exact aspect, though with the Moon, I use about 12 to 15 degrees of influence. I also recognize that there is an influence once a planet enters a sign where it will make an aspect with another planets. So, for instance, let's say I have a planet at 22 degrees of a given sign, and another planet has entered a sign that will make a square to this planet when it reaches 22 degrees. From the time that planet enters the first degree (0 degrees) of the sign where it will make the square, it is applying to the other planet and starting to have an effect, and it will continue to have some effect even after it completes the square, until it leaves that sign, though the real action will occur in the three degrees before the exact aspect up to the exact aspect, and will then gradually wane as it departs through three more degrees. This can be quite fast for the fast moving inner planets, but can take years for a planet like Neptune or Pluto.

The aspects within the natal chart are very important to understand, as they are themes that will be dealt with throughout the lifetime, to some extent, though certainly progressions can lessen some aspects, while activating new ones over time. The natal aspects though are very important in regards to fate, destiny and personality, as well as the psychological profile. The aspects will remain the same in all the Zodiacal systems that I work with.

I have noticed a trend amongst some astrologers to downplay aspects. For instance, some astrologers say that you only feel aspects from a planet that is the 'year lord' through a technique like profection. While the profected year lord will be especially strong through the year of its rulership, and will make intense aspects, both good and bad, I think it is a serious mistake to discount any aspects. Granted, the transiting aspect will be colored by the nature of the placement of the planet making the aspects in the natal chart, so that a well-placed planet in the natal chart will be more beneficial and less malefic even in hard aspects during transits, but you will still feel that transit. 

My experience is that the transits are the most important part of astrology to keep track of and to be aware of as they occur. There are two main reasons for this, and this gets to the crux of what I find so valuable about astrology. I find that the transits tell us two things; when to act and when not to act. Positive transits (some conjunctions, sextiles and trines) suggest times when action will be appropriate and successful. Difficult transits (some conjunctions, squares and oppositions) suggest times when actions will be difficult, hindered, potentially unsuccessful, and when there may be potential dangers for the querent. The inconjunct shows a time when various aspects of life or the personality will be rearranged or reorganized, and is neither specifically positive or negative, but requires care and rethinking to make the best use of the aspect. I say over and over again to clients and friends that those rare windows of good transits are the most valuable information astrology has to offer, as they are times when you can make actions that will have an impact. Far too many people merely experience good transits as a time to feel good or have fun, and waste the potential for real change and productivity that these aspects offer. Do not waste them!


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