Chart Reading - Sample Chart part 2

Example Natal Chart Reading - Part 2


Your birth chart shows that you appear fair and balanced to other people, and may be focused on issues of fairness and justice, or be an artist with focus on design, the use of colors and the creation of beauty. While you seem fun and airy to the people who meet you, you may secretly be a perfectionist who is obsessed with the details and is a bit obsessive about the subjects that interest you. You may see more than you let people know, though you have a strong ability to communicate any point you want to get across. You probably have the ability to cushion what you say, making bitter pills easier to swallow, though if your anger gets out of control, you can reveal a sharp tongue, probably quite surprising to those who don’t know you well. Through your life, you have probably learned to hide some of your harsher opinions, perhaps learning early in life that speaking hard truth may have uncomfortable consequences. 
You either grew up in a family with a lot of money or very little. Whatever the financial status of your family, it was unlikely to have been average and there may have been a big change of economic levels during your childhood that was sudden and unexpected. Your experiences in child- hood make your security important to you, but you may have rebelled against the family back- ground in some way, preferring to find security through unconventional means. Appearances may be important to you, but may not be conventional. You have the ability to create security for yourself. Security for you may be more about fairness and balance than about wealth, and you also may find a pleasing and beautiful environment, where you can pursue your interests to be more fulfilling than the pursuit of wealth. Care should be taken, because too much focus on material gain and security may hold you back in the long run. You can be a very hard worker when motivated, and often find satisfaction in throwing yourself into a project. 
You have excellent communication skills and a way with words. While you may choose to use words in a conventional manner, you have the ability to apply words to issues much greater, such as struggles for social justice, women’s rights, equality and politics. You may be in touch with hidden knowledge, or have an expertise in obscure and little known areas of knowledge. You have an ability to create greatly imaginative and beautiful stories, but should beware of getting too caught up in belief systems. You may make a career through writing or in relation to the writ- ten word. You may write articles, reviews or books. You could be a novelist or scholar. Your interest in writing and the written word may span a wide range of genre and interests. You likely have a strong interest in writings dealing with politics, religion and philosophy. You can gain great benefit from writing and the written word, and likely your destiny or life-path will be involved with writing, the written word, communication, politics, philosophy and religion. Care must be taken not to become too fanatical about your beliefs, or you will lose some of your effectiveness. You may even have knowledge and insight that is hard to put into words, and you may struggle for years devising a way to communicate this understanding. Persist with this, as your insights may prove important beyond your lifetime. 
While you may not be conventional, you do come from a fairly conventional family and back- ground. This influences your outlook on life, for good or ill. You may be in rebellion against that background, or you may want to emulate a quiet and staid home setting. For you, home is a place to read and write, to discuss ideas and philosophies with friends and those nearest to you. At times you need to close yourself off, turn inward and absorb information or produce creative projects. You vacillate between times when you want to be social in the house, and times when you want to be private and alone. However, too much isolation in the home makes you nervous and fidgety and can lead to a lot of nervous energy that needs to be released through social inter- action, social action, discussion and polemic argument concerning the political, social and philosophical subjects that interest you. Your home and home life is important to you and a pleasing and soothing environment is important to help you be as relaxed and effective as possible. If this is not possible, you create a place of beauty in your mind and through your work with words to live in. 
You derive a lot of pleasure from argument and discussion, likely feeling that verbal sparring is an art. You can be very turned on, or turned off, by what people think and have to say, and how they say it. You find joy in both conventional and unconventional approaches, but are not very tolerant of those beliefs that are the opposite of yours, though you may be polite and not make too much of your distaste. However, if cornered or caught off guard, you can apply a sharp tongue, well-spoken, verbose and well-read, to disarm and defeat a verbal foe. You might feel some guilt when that happens, but you secretly enjoy the ability to do that. Too much social interaction can exhaust you and make you need to turn inward. Much joy is derived through your creativity, where you may apply so much energy that you exhaust yourself, but little brings you as much joy as a completed project. You may not have children, or have children later in life. Creativity and the work you do may be more important to you than children. At any rate, you are unlikely to have many children. In love affairs, you are more focused toward a committed relationship than to a string or interactions. In some ways, you are much more conventional than you may seem at first glance. This gives you the ability to be productive and to work on longterm projects, and to prefer longterm relationships. 
You are a driven worker, who can be taken by inspiration and driven to bring a vision into reality. At times, you may not finish a project because it doesn’t meet your high ideals, or because you can’t quite capture your initial vision, while at other times you can be very focused and centered and achieve complicated work. You have to be careful of exhausting yourself, as a lack of rest can cause health problems. Too much nervous energy can fray your nerves and make you short- tempered, prone to lash out and perhaps create situations you later regret. You may do your work from your home and you satisfy your values through your work. You can make income from your work, as well, if you choose to, though there may be circumstances that preclude this. You may swing between times when you are very grounded and able to do a great deal of disciplined 
work, and times when you are ungrounded, more driven by inspirations and moods, and lessproductive. Don’t feel bad when that happens, as you need both times of inspiration to derive insight and ideas and times of discipline and effort to manifest your visions. 
In relationships you like to be active, and while you may desire and need conventional relation- ship, you can be nervous, impatient, easily bored and prone to flights of fancy. There can be arguments on one hand, and deep and inspiring conversation with the partner, on the other. In the long run, your relationship is important to your sense of home and your ability to be productive and to realize your destiny. Communication is very important in your relationships. If you give up too much power in relationships and become too passive, you can become resentful. Learning to compromise is essential for your longterm happiness, because you need relationships, even when you feel too enclosed and become restless. You derive benefit and security through your relationship. 
You may derive benefit and security through females in your life. They may give you a setting in which you can pursue your interests and destiny more easily without having to struggle just to keep the lights on. You frequently like to contemplate subjects that may be taboo. Unconventional ideas and philosophies may appeal to you. You can find beauty in such subjects, though the reaction of others to such subjects may make you angry or argumentative. You may have gained something of your aesthetic and interests as an ‘inheritance’ from your ancestors. You should take care to moderate any impulses toward anger, and to focus on the beauty in life. You may have an interest in old things, articles of heritage and history, especially those that excite your aesthetic sense. The cultural inheritance that you are drawn to will give you benefit. The deeper mysteries are of interest to you and important to your destiny. Death and its mysteries intrigue you and may influence you aesthetic sense. Philosophies recognizing that death is a part of the cycle of nature and is a transformational mystery to be pondered may interest you and would be of benefit to you. Eastern philosophies that contemplate death and transformation, such as tantra, Vedanta or Taoism may be of benefit to you. Your destiny and evolutionary necessity involves contemplating transformation in all its forms. An inheritance, whether a literal material inheritance, or a cultural inheritance through art, literature, spirituality or philosophy will be very important to your life, both in fulfilling your destiny, and in how your relate to other people. 
You have an active mind that is draw to a wide range of thought and knowledge. Philosophies and religions may hold a lot of interest for you. You may have tried on many different religions and philosophies to see what fits best, only to come to a little more conventional set of beliefs (whether religious or non-religious) as you grow older. You may have taken a little piece from many different systems and woven them together into your own personal philosophy/spiritual system. At times, your thinking may get pessimistic, or you may need time to integrate new ideas, but once you do, you are able to use that new information well and adjust your thoughts to accommodate that new information. Thinking deeply is very important to your destiny, and may help you to heal areas of your psyche that feel wounded or damaged by the dominant paradigms of your childhood and/or culture. Learning to rectify reality with the ideal can be very helpful to you in being more effective at manifesting your destiny. You may have to make compromises 
between what you believe or feel you knew with new information that comes along. Be flexible and able to compromise and you will find new doors opening to you. You can derive great bene- fit from this process. 
A major aspect of your destiny involves expressing what you feel. You may be changeable, per- haps moody, but driven by an emotional intensity that can ebb and flow, sometimes seeming very intense, and other times seeming very subdued. Learning to use the emotional intensity and swing for inspiration, while being able to be grounded and productive at the same time may be a big order, but is important to making your destiny fully realized. You hide a lot of your emotional intensity, perhaps channeling it through your work. Allowing that intensity to manifest through your work will be very beneficial to your destiny, and will allow you a space to work with that emotional content in a beneficial manner. Sometimes, putting what you feel into writing is much more effective than trying to say it, and writing that deals with emotional subject matter may bring you recognition, fame, perhaps even fortune. Disciplined effort is the key to utilizing this energy in your life, and learning how to contain the emotional intensity so that you can put it down in writing or express it through art is essential to being able to use that to your benefit. 
While emotional content may be strong, you may have wished it wasn’t at times in your life, and you may have had times when you wished to avoid that emotional content, or when you didn’t know how to productively or positively apply the emotions. There may have been times when you wished the emotional content would just go away, but that has all been for your longterm benefit, as it gives you experiences that will allow you to fulfill your destiny. You may wish to shine in your field, but at times maybe wish you had a little less intensity with what you feel. You may wish to come off more in control, while at times feeling a bit messy on the inside. Friends, colleagues and associates may see you as bright and cheery, and not suspect the deeper, some- times darker recessives that you are thinking about or feeling. 
You feel deeply and pick up on the unspoken energies of those around you. You are good at hid- ing what you feel. It can be easy to conceal your feelings, but you may also have a hard time accessing the depths of your feelings. Your emotional intensity may feel flat at times, and so deep as to be frightening at others. You may come off as easy-going, but are actually a perfectionist and detail oriented, perhaps a little judgmental of those with less depth or insight. Overlooking details and sloppiness in general probably irritates you. There are times when you get overloaded by other people and need space to recharge. You have access to insight that many other people do not and people can seem emotionally shallow to you at times. Remember that they do not plumb the depths you do. You see below the surface and can intuit things that others are feeling, think- ing, even things they want to hide, but at the same time, you frequently hide much of what you intuit. When you apply yourself to projects, you probably derive a lot of emotional satisfaction. Accessing your emotions is extremely important to your relationships and to your destiny. You can get carried away by emotional states or perceptions, sometimes painting a picture in your mind that isn’t exactly accurate. Be careful of self-deception or getting carried away on flights of fancy when you need to apply yourself to a project in a disciplined manner. 
In 2023 a twenty-year period of increased creativity along with a perception of isolation will come to an end. A highly creative period, you have probably mastered your art during this period, gaining skill and mastery in your profession. As this period draws to a close, you will enter a time when you can begin to apply your skills in the wider world. Use these last three years of this period to complete any projects you have been working on and have left unfinished, or to start (and finish) a new project that is the culmination of your last seventeen years, as the period after 2023 will bring you more visibility and rewards for the effort you have made through this twenty year period. 
From your birthday in 2019 to your birthday in 2020 will be a period when the energies of the last seventeen years or so will seem intensified. You may feel tired of that particular energy by now, and this may make you restless and anxious. Take care during this period, and focus on the work you need to accomplish to lay the foundation for your future. A good time to start projects that require detailed focus and discipline. A good year for quiet introspection and hard work, you might seek outside council or a healing modality that allows you to integrate your emotions more fully into your work. A good year to dig into the details of anything you have been avoiding, and especially issues of the psyche, the subconscious and the archetypal, collective mind. A year of details, so pay attention to the details and don’t take shortcuts. This can be a very important year for you, but the positive can be dissipated with procrastination, being overly perfectionistic, or seeking distraction. Quiet discipline and focus on the details can derive great benefits this year. 



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