Chart Reading - Sample Chart part 3

Example Natal Chart Reading - Part 3



Night Sect Planets - Moon (sect light), Venus (sect benefic), Mars (sect malefic).

*Your in-sect planets will tend to play a more significant role in your life and Mars can be benefic for you.

Out-of-Sect Planets - Sun (OOS Light), Jupiter (OOS Benefic), Saturn (OOS Malefic).

*The out-of-sect planets can present difficulties in your chart. It is advantageous to you that all of these planets are in the lower, night side off your chart, which makes them easier to deal with. Jupiter, while still benefic, is slightly blunted in its benefic nature due to being the OOS benefic. Saturn is the most malefic of the traditional planets in your chart and requires special care to make the greatest use of. Saturn will always limit you, if it can, so you need to learn to use limitations to your advantage.

Mercury is the balancer of both sects, and so is neutral by sect.

No retrograde planets.

*Having no retrograde planets allows you to move forward with your interests without a lot of jumps and starts, and having to go back over things again and again.

ASC Ruler - (P and WSS) Venus (primary ruler), (WSS and TCS) Mercury (secondary or shadow ruler).

+Venus - (P) 5 Capricorn 14 in 3rd, (WST) 5 Capricorn 14 in 4th, (WSS) 10 Sagittarius in 4th,  (TCS) early Sagittarius in 3rd. Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods. 3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Neptune (departing), Jupiter (applying). Sextile: Pluto (departing).

+Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC.

*Venus and Mercury are the two most important planets in your chart and bring the greatest benefit and opportunity. Venus gives you appeal within your time and culture, and gives you a strong aesthetic and artistic sense, as well as the ability to create works of art that may have a wide appeal. Mercury is your shadow ruler, It is the ruler in both WSS and TCS. The TCS placement is important, and gives it the shadow ruler status. It is the true ruler and the true life purpose. Your personality and purpose in the life deals with communication, writing and the conveyance of ideas. When the two rulers are combined, this can result in creating works of art through words, and this work will likely have a broad appeal. Importantly, Mercury falls in Ophiuchus in TCS and so carries tremendous power, though there may be some struggle to achieve your desired aim. Once you are on the path to achievement though, nothing can stop you.

MC ruler - (P and WST) Moon (primary ruler), (WSS and TCS) Mercury (secondary or shadow ruler).

+Moon - (P and WST) 23 Virgo 24 in 12th house, (WSS) 28 Leo in 12th, (TCS) early Virgo in 12th house. Virgo in three methods and Leo in one - predominance of Virgo influences. In 12th house in all four. Ruler (P, WST and TCS) Mercury (WSS) Sun. Aspects - Sextile: Saturn (departing), Sun (applying), South Node (applying). Square: Mercury (Departing), Part of Fortune (departing), Neptune (applying). Trine: Part of Eros (exact to degree), North Node (applying).

+Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC.

*Here we see your third most important planet, the Moon, combined with one of your main chart rulers - Mercury. This is again underlining the importance of Mercury in your life, and again, Mercury rules your MC in TCS. Your career, reputation and standing in the world may change over time, but its ultimate destiny is found through Mercurial pursuits. The fact that Ophiuchus is tied to both your ASC and MC in TCS is important and indicates the ability to create new forms of art that can be very influential to both your lifetime and in the future, perhaps even changing the nature of the form or genre you are working in. Emotional content is also very important to your career and standing in the world.

Sun ruler -(P, WST, WSS) Mars (primary ruler), (TCS) Venus (secondary or shadow ruler).

+Mars - (P) 1 Aquarius 56 in 4th house, (WST)1 Aquarius 56 in 5th house, (WSS) 6 Capricorn in 5th, (TCS) early Capricorn in 4th. In Aquarius in two methods and in Capricorn (exaltation) by two methods. In 4th house by two methods and in 5th house by two methods. Ruler in all four methods, Saturn. Aspects - Sextile: South Node (departing). Square: Pluto (applying). Trine: North Node (departing).

+Venus - (P) 5 Capricorn 14 in 3rd, (WST) 5 Capricorn 14 in 4th, (WSS) 10 Sagittarius in 4th,  (TCS) early Sagittarius in 3rd. Capricorn in two methods and Sagittarius in two methods. 3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods. Ruler (P and WST) Saturn, (WSS and TCS) Jupiter. Aspects - Conjunct: Neptune (departing), Jupiter (applying). Sextile: Pluto (departing).

*Mars is the primary ruler of you Sun, ruling the sun in three systems, while Venus is the ruler in the TCS method. Mars is the more public expression of your Sun, while Venus is more under the surface, but is more related to your destiny. Here we see Venus again, tying your Sun into relationship with your ASC. While you may enjoy being assertive and may have been encouraged in this by your cultural background, accessing your Venusian energies will be helpful in reaching your destiny.

Moon ruler - (P, WST and TCS) Mercury (primary ruler), (WSS) Sun (secondary ruler).

+Mercury - (P and WST) 16 Sagittarius 36 in 3rd house, (WSS) 21 Scorpio in 3rd house, (TCS) Ophiuchus in 3rd. Sagittarius (detriment) in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in 3rd TCS. Only Ophiuchus planet in chart. Third house in all four methods. Ruler (P and WST) Jupiter (WSS) Mars. Aspects - Conjunct: Uranus (departing), Part of Fortune (applying). Sextile: ASC. Square: Moon. Trine: DESC, Part of Spirit. Opposite: MC. 

+Sun - (P and WST) 26 Scorpio 11 in 2nd house, (WSS) 01 Scorpio in 2nd house, (TCS) Late Libra in 2nd house - Scorpio in three methods, and Libra (fall) in one method - predominance of Scorpio influences on sun. Second house in all four methods. Ruler (P, WST, WSS) Mars, (TCS) Venus. Aspects - Conjunct: South Node, Saturn (wide - departing). Sextile: Moon (applying). Opposition: Part of Eros (departing), North Node (applying).

* The ruler of the Moon is Mercury in three systems, including in the important TCS. Sun is the ruler of the moon in the WSS method, and is therefor a spiritually attractive planetary energy, but can also become a distraction. To access the greatest potential of your Moon, you need to allow your emotions to focus on Mercurial actions and energies, using the emotional content within your work with Mercury. The temptation of the WSS ruler being the Sun is to allow you to be too drawn to Mars, creating a moodiness and argumentativeness that can be self-defeating.

Major planets of ASC, MC, Sun and Moon

Mercury (x 3), Venus (x 2), Moon (x 1), Mars (x 1), Sun (1).

*Mercury! You destiny is Mercury. With three of these four primary placements having Mercury rulership (and that rulership being through TCS where it is placed in Ophiuchus), you have a very strong destiny through Mercurial actions and endeavors. Venus is the next most prominent, and so it is important to focus on your work being beautiful, pleasing, soft, and there will likely be strong influences through women. Moon, Mars and Sun each occur one time, so these become supporting energies, helping Mercury and Venus to manifest, though conversely, when difficult, they may create obstacles (especially OOS light, Sun) and Mars, which with its relationship to Sun, may get caught up in ego struggles.

Points that don’t change sign in the four methods.
(Such points strongly and purely reflect their sign)
Neptune (Sagittarius)
North Node (Taurus)

  • Neptune and North Node don’t change sign within any of the four methods. This means they are very purely the sign the fall in. 
  • Neptune is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is ruled by Saturn in two methods and is in its dignity by being in its home sign in the other two methods. Your Neptune can be very creative and beneficial, but you must use its energies with the proper restraint, or it can lead to wool-gathering, idealism (sometimes delusional) and a tendency to get caught up in tangents that are not productive to your overall life path. However, when used productively, your Neptune can be very useful in your Mercurial endeavors.
  • North Node in Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is your second most important planet. This means you life path and destiny are deeply entertained with Venusian energies and people. Your destiny involves moving away from Martial energies and toward Venusian energies. Always choose the more beautiful, kind and life-affirming energies in your life and in the work you do.This leads you in the right direction for your soul’s evolutionary needs.

Points split between three signs.
(Such points can be wild cards, reflecting multiple energies)
Mercury (Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one and in Ophiuchus in TCS.)
Pluto (In Scorpio in two methods, Libra in one method and in Virgo in TCS)
Part of Fortune (In Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one method and Ophiuchus in TCS)

*These are interesting and important points. These are also all prominent placements/planets in your chart. 
*Mercury is you main focus planet, and is placed in Ophiuchus in TCS method. Its high versatility is very useful to you and gives you the ability to work on many things at once, hold multiple thoughts in mind and be broad-minded.
*Pluto is in your first to second houses and falls across three signs - Scorpio, Libra and Virgo. It falls in Virgo only in TCS where it is also in the first house. Your Pluto has a lot of flexibility and is a bit of a chameleon, which is helpful to you, especially as it is found in the first house in both P and TCS, which gives it strong first house association, and means that the way you use your Pluto in your cultural milieu is also its destiny. Learning to focus on minutia and details will be helpful to you and can be transformative to your Mercurial work, as Pluto in Virgo by TCS is then ruled by Mercury, and thus the powerful energies of Ophiuchus.
*Your Part of Fortune Is Sagittarius in two methods, Scorpio in one and Ophiuchus in TCS. You will note that this means all three of your placements that have three different signs across the four methods all have Ophiuchus influences. These are all three very prominent and important placements in your chart. Your fortune is found through discipline and focus on Mercurial endeavors, but you should be careful of Martial energies, as these can distract you from your destiny.

Points that don’t change house in the four methods.
(Such points are purely reflections of their house)
Sun (2nd house in all four methods)
Moon (12th house in all four methods)
Mercury (3rd house in all four methods)
Saturn (2nd house in all four methods)
Neptune (3rd house in all four methods)
North Node (8th house in all four methods)
South Node (2nd house in all four methods)
Part of Fortune (3rd house in all four methods)
Part of Eros (8th house in all four methods)

*These points are all very purely expressions of the house they fall in and so can be used in a more focused manner. Very importantly, Mercury is one of these planets, falling in the third house in all four methods! I can't stress this enough. Further, also important, moon falls in the 12th in all four methods and Part of Fortune falls into the 3rd (with Mercury) in all four methods. These important placements are very pure expressions of their house placements, and the third house and its expressions are probably the most important house in your chart. Accessing the twelfth is also very important to your destiny. The other planets in this group are all very set in their purpose in your chart. Note that Neptune and North Node, which also don’t change sign in the four methods, are amongst the planets that don’t change house in the four methods.

Points that are the same house in 3 methods, but change sign in 1 method.
(Such points predominantly reflect the main house meanings, with influences from the second house)

*This is of note because all of your placements either fall into one house in all four methods, or are split equally into two different houses in the four methods. This means your placements are either very purely focused or are split between different energies and thus more changeable, but able to function in different arenas.

Points that are split between two houses.
(Such points show influences from both houses)
Venus (3rd house in two methods and 4th house in two methods)
Mars (4th house by two methods and in 5th house by two methods)
Jupiter (3rd in two methods and 4th in two methods)
Uranus (2nd house in two methods and in 3rd house in two methods)
Pluto (1st house in two methods and 2nd house in two methods)
Chiron (8th house in two methods, 9th house in two methods)
Part of Spirit (10th in two methods and the 11th in two methods)

*These placements have split focuses, and can both function in different areas of life, but can also become scattered when not used productively or with discipline. The natural function of these placements will be the Placidus, while the TCS will be the destiny function and may give better long-range results.

Points incorporating Ophiuchus (TCS)
(Ophiuchus will add influences dealing with struggle against impossible odds, victim/savior complexes, and hidden knowledge)
Part of Fortune
3rd house cusp

*I have mentioned previously, but want to state again how important I have observed this to be when it occurs. The fact that you have three points that fall within Ophiuchus is important and noteworthy. I haven’t yet touched on the 3rd house cusp, but it falls in the very beginning of the constellation Ophiuchus, so your third house, in its destiny, is related to Ophiuchus directly and prominently. The third house is a major destiny house for you, as is the planet Mercury and the Part of Fortune. The combination of these two placements in this house and all tied to this constellation gives this set a fated and powerful destiny. 

Zodiacal Releasing L1 periods

Spirit - Virgo (Aug. 11, 2003 - Feb. 27, 2023), Libra (Apr. 28, 2023 - Nov. 17, 2030)

*Spirit in its peak period marks it as the most important ZR part at this time. You will have three more years of this peak period, so make good use of it, focusing on your creativity and getting prepared for when Spirit moves into Libra. By that time, you will bring what you have created during this 12th house peak out into the public. While the sign after the peak is considered by some to be a waining period, in your instance I believe it will be a public period of success based on the work you have done during the 12th house peak period. The key is to use these last three years to be sure you have all your ducks in a row and are ready to launch into the next period of your life when it emerges. That period, starting in April 2023 and lasting until November of 2030 will be a public period of prominence based upon it being in the sign Libra, ruled by Venus, the second most prominent planet in your house. It will be a period when you will be well-received. Focus on Venusian energies and be careful of your Martial energies during the time, as Martial energies can be blown out of proportion by others, while Venusian energies will be much more well-received. Libra is your first house in P and WST, while it is second house in WSS and TCS, so it will bring a lot more attention to you than you have experienced through the 12th/Virgo peak, and it will potentially bring you material rewards.


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