Outer Planets - Introduction

The Outer Planets in astrology are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They are not generally visible to the naked eye and were unknown in ancient astrology. They have been integrated into modern astrology since their discovery. Uranus was discovered March 13, 1781. Neptune was discovered September 23, 1846. Pluto was discovered February 18, 1930. As each was discovered, it was then integrated into astrological interpretation, and each was assigned a "sign rulership".

In ancient astrological systems, the Sun and Moon each ruled one sign and the five visible planets were assigned rulership of two signs each. After the three Outer Planets were discovered, they were each given the rulership of a sign, taking one of the dual sign rulerships away from three of the Inner Planets. Uranus was given rulership of Aquarius, which had been ruled by Saturn previously. Neptune was given rulership of Pisces, which had been ruled by Jupiter previously. Pluto was given rulership of Scorpio, which had been ruled by Mars previously.

My training was in the modern system with the Outer Planets as rulers of the signs mentioned above. This is the astrology I practiced for the first decade of my work, but in time I began to question just how sound these rulership assignments actually were. Around that same time, the revival of ancient or Hellenistic astrological systems was becoming popular and I began to learn that system, encountering the ancient rulerships. I have to say, they made more sense to me, but I don't completely discount the Outer Planets, either, as do some of the traditional astrologers.

While I don't use the Outer Planets as sign rulers, I do use them in my astrological work, as I recognize their effects. I do think they have affinity with the Inner Planets and some of the signs, if not actual rulership. What I have noticed is that each Outer Planet appears to be a higher octave of an Inner Planet, even though all of the Outer Planets can function through each of the Inner Planets and signs.

What I have noticed is that the Outer Planets don't seem to be able to function directly in the physical world, being beyond Saturn, the planet that gives form to physical reality. Therefore, the Outer Planets must channel their subtle energies through the Inner Planets to take form in the physical reality and have an influence here. There are certain planets and signs that they are most naturally aligned with and work through most easily and directly, but they can function through all of them. Without sign rulership, they become free agents to work wherever, and in whatever way, they find the niche to express themselves, and their purposes, through. We will look at each of the Outer Planets individually and consider their functions and affinities there.

In closing this section, I want to reiterate that the Outer Planets are beyond the visible. They are separated from the physical, beyond Saturn, ruler of form, and are not part of the day-to-day or the personal. They effect generations, and cause longterm trends. They are able to give individuals connection to the archetypal, the collective and the universal. They are the doorway to alternate knowledge, higher realms and the underworld. They are the bridge between the physical (Saturn) and the Void (beyond the edges of our Solar System). 

The Inner Planets, or personal planets, rule that which is in form, and thus our personal experience and our personal influence in life; the archetypes of life that we all know and share. The Outer Planets rule that which is beyond the day-to-day, the normal, physical and regular events, and the physical things that we regularly encounter in our normal experience of life. When they mingle with the day-to-day reality, they twist it in ways specific to each planet, taking it out of the regular and into the exceptional.


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