Mars Enters Leo - Superior Shift


On June 11th, 2021 Mars entered Tropical Leo. This is significant for multiple reasons. First, Mars is more comfortable in Leo than in Cancer, so that is a plus. I, personally, never enjoy Mars in Cancer. I find it grating and nerve-racking, while I generally love Mars in Leo, because it sets off some grand fire trines in my chart, but we'll see what this trip through the Leonine fields brings...

Beyond Mars being more comfortable in Leo than in Cancer, there are some other things going on here that are actually central to this article, and that is that Mars in Leo, a fixed sign, will now begin to aspect the other fixed signs, and so make aspects to Saturn and Uranus.

The last transit of Mars in a fixed sign was when it transited Tropical Taurus in the beginning of 2021. Mars then entered Tropical Gemini, where it made a trine to Saturn, and then moved into Tropical Cancer, where it made no major aspect to Saturn, so for the last three months or so, we have had a bit of a break from the Mars/Saturn aspect energies. The Mars/Saturn cycle began in March 2020 with a conjunction of the two planets in early Tropical Aquarius, and you can review my post 'Mars 2020' to refresh yourself on that transit and the beginning of this cycle. The second part of the cycle was in late January 2021 when Mars in Taurus made the inferior square to Saturn. It is important to note that since the conjunction of the two planets in March 2020, Mars had been in inferior aspect with Saturn, and so Saturn has been calling the shots. Now that Mars has moved into Tropical Leo, it will make an opposition to Saturn, which is the halfway point in the cycle, and Mars will now move into a series of superior aspects with Saturn until they again conjunct in March of 2022. This means that the next nine months will see Mars in superior aspect to Saturn, and that will be different than what we have had for the last fifteen months.


To begin with, Mars enters Tropical Leo just a couple of days before the second Saturn/Uranus square, which is exact on the 14th. This second square of these two behemoths sees Saturn retrograde while Uranus is direct. Uranus is itching to move forward, and as Mars is now in elemental, sign-based square to Uranus, it will be even more ramped up. Mars will oppose retrograde Saturn by elemental, sign-based aspect and so may vehemently insist that retrograde Saturn sit down and shut up. Saturn may not concur, and there will have to be some compromise found between the forces of careful, patient consideration and emotional, reckless 'charge-ahead-at-all-costs' impatience. Mars will make the exact aspects to Saturn and Uranus in the last week of June and the first week of July, and Saturn and Uranus are less than a degree past their exact second square at that point. I expect there to be some tensions for the next few weeks.

I will grant this saving grace to this set of transits - even weakened by retrograde and in an opposition to aggressive Mars, Saturn is still Saturn, arbiter of reality and the force of all manifestation. So whatever Mars tries to pull at this time is unlikely to succeed in the long run, but it might cause chaos in the short-term. Saturn is the force of reality. Mars is just Saturn's angry grandson stamping around in Saturn's reality (which Jupiter thinks is his, but isn't). Saturn will have the last word. 

So what can we expect through the summer and through to March of 2022. Well, I will not attempt to cover the whole period in this single post. I will make several posts, both here at my blog and on my Facebook Page, so follow and keep an eye out for future posts on this subject. What I can say is that how this manifests for you will depend on how it falls in your natal chart and the aspects it makes. So figure out where Leo falls in your chart and what planetary aspects that sign makes to your natal planets. What the transit will do on the mundane level, though, we can make some educated guesses about.


To begin with, Mars is probably a bit sore at having been held back by Saturn, and having to carry Saturn's water for the last fifteen months. So I think it likely that Mars will attempt to make himself felt. Thus people will be wanting to run to and fro, having a big time and making general chaos and being aggressive. But with Mercury retrograde and the eclipse in Gemini having just occurred at the Cazimi of retrograde Mercury and the Sun, all right on the North Node of destiny, it is highly likely that a lot of what we will see will involve information coming to light, at the same time as people are wanting to get more aggressive and assertive, declaring their independence. So my best advice is to put your energies into working on what was revealed to you at the eclipse, remain safe and sane, and keep working on things that you have been working on for the last year to year and a half or so. This is a positive use of this energy. You may feel high-strung and want to be active, so rather than starting new ventures and getting carried away with things that might not last, work on what is already in process. In the long-run, Saturn will reward this, even if it doesn't seem sexy right now.

One thing we can expect is action on the political level. Will it be action we want and that will fulfill all our dreams? With a Saturn/Uranus square kicking it all off? Not likely, but in spite of the disillusionment of the impatient, things are likely to get done, and especially on the level of things that are already set in motion. Political chaos is not unlikely, and there may be attempts to create chaos, but I suspect that we will see a lot of sound and fury (signifying nothing) while underneath the surface, things already in motion will continue to unfold, perhaps in spite of the sound and fury. Will everyone have all the feels? Well, if you consider hysterics 'all the feels' then, yes, probably. With the Uranus/Saturn square cycle, the new political reality in the US will seem to be on hold, as if nothing can move forward and the Uranian need for instant progress will seem stymied, but when we look back in a few years, we will realize that real, systemic change did happen. It just wasn't fast enough for the young, the idealistic, the uninformed, political novices... or Twitter warriors... Another issue that we will almost certainly deal with, and see new events in regard to, is issues around health and illness, especially in regard to pre-existing global health problems, which kicked off around the time of the first Mars/Saturn conjunction in March 2020.

The best advice I can give you is, "Don't get caught up in the hype", because if Mars is anything, he is filled with hot air. This transit will feel great for some people, not so great for others, depending on teh natal chart. There could be some tight spots this summer where there are real tense moments and possibly upsetting, even horrific events. Weather issues may arise - storms, hurricanes, volcanism, earthquakes, extreme heatwaves, etc. Nations may make aggressive moves resulting in confrontations, but they may end up in stalemate. Mars can really stir some shit and cause problems, and he is likely to be in the mood for it, especially after having just gone through emotional Cancer, but if you don't engage, you will likely move through unscathed, and this will NOT be a permanent state of affairs. However, Mars also may produce breakthroughs and shine a light in shady places that have been hidden or not fully revealed. Revelations are highly likely.

Over the next nine months, there are some difficult moments. Every time the Moon goes into a fixed sign will be emotional and tense, and in the late fall when Mars enters Tropical Scorpio is the most dangerous and tense point of the whole year, but we are a ways off from that yet, and I will look at it in a later post. For now, know that once Mars moves from Tropical Leo to Tropical Virgo, Mars will trine Uranus, and some real change and movement may occur at that time, and it will be a good time for you to get things done, most likely. The key to this summer? Just hold on. Mars moves fast, but this is still Saturn's show, whether Mars likes it or not, and regardless of how Mars acts-out while he can.


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