Venus Cazimi - Astrology of March 25th - March 31st

Venus/Sun Cazimi, Libra Full Moon, Mercury conjunct Neptune

To begin, I would note that in my opinion, this entire week-long period functions as one long, multi-layered aspect series, sort of a peeling away and revealing done in layers over the course of these seven days. 

On March 25th, Venus enters the heart of the Sun to make the Cazimi as 5/6 degrees of Tropical Aries. This is the profound moment when Venus is consumed by the nuclear fires of the Sun to be reborn, the phoenix rising from the ashes, made new and with a new vision for her next journey, until she once again makes the Cazimi at the end of the year, during her upcoming retrograde cycle in Tropical Capricorn, when she will play out the ancient drama of Inanna’s descent into the Underworld.

Now is the time to reevaluate you feelings, what you value, your relationships, how you relate to others in general, the things you find beautiful, your creativity and what you create, and how you view women. For women in particular, this can be a deep exploration of one’s self-image, but as we all have Venus in our charts, we all must explore her meanings within our lives, regardless of our physical gender, or chosen gender expression.

While these Cazimi aspects between Sun and Venus happen fairly regularly, they do not all carry the same intensity for each person. If the Cazimi falls conjunct any natal placement, or in major aspect (square, trine, opposition) to a natal placement, you can expect the resulting energy to be stronger and more profound in your life. For some, who get little to no aspect from this conjunction, this may just be another day, while for those getting a profoundly important aspect, this might be a life-changing moment. Whether it effects you directly or not, the influence will be felt in the world as a changing of energies and a laying-out of themes that we will explore much more deeply during the Venus retrograde cycle at the end of 2021.

The Moon is approaching an inconjunct to Venus/Sun this evening from Tropical Virgo, after having spent most of the day in Tropical Leo, forcing reorganization of the energies of the Cazimi at the emotional level. The Sun/Venus Cazimi makes a wide applying sextile to Saturn, which supports and grounds the transformative qualities of the Cazimi, helping to ground and form the results into the physical realm and our earth-plane reality. The importance of this supportive, superior sextile from Saturn can’t be overstated, as Saturn is Lord of the year and Lord of the 20 year Saturn/Jupiter age that just began last December. The original King of the Gods and wise elder supports the renewal of Venus, and as Venus and Saturn have a compatible and supportive relationship in general, that is enhanced. Those creative projects undertaken or begun at this time will bear fruit in the future. It is a marvelous time to begin the work of birthing our aesthetic into the world, through whatever medium we choose to work with. And that can be anything - from politics to agriculture, ecology to human rights, art to music to literature to design of any sort to business or homemaking. Aesthetic, the feminine energies of life and the earth, infuse all aspects of life on earth, whether we see them or not. Now is a great time to see them anew.

By the 26th Sun/Venus are still in conjunction, but the Moon in Virgo has moved on to make a square to Mars and the North and South Nodes, while opposing Mercury and then later in the day, Neptune, causing something of an emotional hangover from the realizations and processing of the Venus/Sun conjunction. The tension of this transiting mutable grand cross can be used to sort through our feelings, but might not be great for action involving people, groups, promotion or any types of confrontations. Turn it inward and dig deep for the best results. With the involvement of the Nodes, there are herein issues of past and future, Karma and Destiny, at work. Where are we coming from and where do we want to go? Mars is in exact conjunction to the North Node today, giving us power to activate our futures, our destinies, our life paths. Don’t waste today’s energy in woolgathering or pointless socializing and interacting. Your future beckons, but you must apply the energy to draw it into form. Saturn and Mars are still in trine, and Saturn too is approaching a trine to the North Node. Take action today toward manifesting your destiny, and keep working on it through the Saturn/North Node trine to show the Universe you mean business.

On the 27th and into the early hours of the 28th (in the US), Venus conjuncts Chiron as Moon completes her travels through Tropical Virgo and prepares to enter Venus’ home sign of Tropical Libra. The weight of the last few days may hit you like a ton of bricks at this point, and you may find old buried pain surfacing to be faced and worked through. It can be an empowering day for any healing work, and especially surrounding and Venusian energies or issues.

By March 28th we come up to the Libra Full Moon, and WOW! does this have some layers! Moon is trine to Mars and Saturn, forming a grand trine in the Tropical air element, while also in opposition to Sun/Venus/Chiron from Venus-ruled Libra to Mars-ruled Aries. As has been the case for a while, Venus and Saturn are dictating terms to all the other planetary bodies, and the Full Moon puts Venusian energies on ‘full’ display for everyone to see, just as Venus has finished passing over Chiron. Sun is also exactly conjunct Chiron today, giving us the nuclear heat of the inner fire, ‘Tapas’ in yogic terms, to push through pain, wounds, trauma and injury to gain clarity and light, healing, in those areas, which Venus has recently unveiled and revealed. Uranus is semi-sextile Sun/Moon from Venus-ruled Taurus, while inconjunct to the Moon, and though minor aspects, watch for surprises that help, but perhaps cause some ripples in your emotions. 

The Full Moon itself, an opposition requiring compromise, occurring in a Venus-ruled sign while opposing this healing cluster, including Venus, in Tropical Aries, is asking us to slow down enough to allow the healing work of the Sun/Venus Cazimi/Chiron conjunction to take effect and be given space to work its magic. This Full Moon will be intense, but is a magical doorway to all kinds of work - from creative breakthroughs, to healing breakthroughs, to cultural breakthroughs - expect a lot of interesting and profound information to come out of the days of these transits. This may not be an ecstatic Full Moon, and it may carry a certain tension, as we will want to take action and run ahead, but may feel constrained. The constraint is the point, with Saturn so prominent, and the work we do in a patient manner during this week will bear fruit for many years to come, giving us all some new insights, and setting some of us on new life trajectories for decades to come. 

In the news, watch for the first mentions of new surges of old health issues in the US and the rest of the world, which will increase as we approach the Saturn/Uranus square in mid-June. For all the healing energy apparent in this lunation, its shadow is the creation of new wounds, rooted in impatient and unwise action (Mars and Mercury did square just a few days ago…) If you have applied the lessons of Saturn, focus on the positive you are creating for yourself and the world at this time! The more light you shine, the more apparent the shadows become. That is natural and the Tao of the Yin and Yang. Don’t be dismayed or disheartened, and keep shining your light.

On March 29th Mercury will conjunct Neptune. Try not to fall into a funk, be dismayed by world events or believe too much of what you are seeing, hearing, thinking, as it is likely to be laced with a big dose of illusion and delusion. You may feel that the grand revelations of the last few days have suddenly vanished, or be burdened with feelings that it is all too much for you. Today is the perfect day to turn off the news, ignore coworkers and family members who love to be disagreeable, and to avoid social media in general. With the difficult aspects between Mars and Mercury, everyone is spoiling for a fight, and maybe they don’t even know why. However, today Moon trines Jupiter, who rules Pisces, and thus Neptune and Mercury who are in that sign. Benefit can be found by making every effort to pierce our illusions and dig down deep into our beliefs and feelings to uncover what is false, wrong, delusional, and find inspiration in perceiving new truths, then gradually, slowly, applying these insights with some discipline and patience. This is no sprint. It is a marathon. 

However, and I can’t stress this enough (!), be very careful not to believe everything you thing or hear or read today. If it enflames your stories of victimization, it may not be true, or at least not as you are perceiving it at first. Give the thoughts that arise from this transit time to digest and see if they are still “true” when Mercury crosses into Tropical Aries on April 4th, leaving the misty, diffuse waters of Pisces behind. 

Venus makes her exact sextile with Saturn on the 30th, which will be followed on the 31st by Sun making the same sextile to Saturn. As these sextiles occur we can begin to, slowly and patiently, manifest the new understanding we received at the Cazimi of Venus and Sun on the 25th, and the healing mandate we were given as Venus and Sun conjuncted Chiron on the 27th and 28th. We must approach the implementation of our new goals with patience and perseverance. Saturn demands nothing less, and this is his show. We are in this for the long haul - this is life. We have just turned the page onto a new chapter of life, last December, at the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on 0 degrees of Tropical Aquarius. This heralded a new twenty year, and new two-hundred year, cycle of the Great Conjunctions, and so each step we take forward leads us further into this new set of energies, and their unfolding reality. Pace yourself, because we won’t reach that new place in a day or a year, or even a few years. However, the opportunities and responsibilities that will reveal themselves to us over the ensuing decades will be inspiring, and with each movement forward, this unveiling will continue to gain momentum. Conserve your energy for those moments when action is required, and for the rest of the time, allow yourself the space to just be and to rest when you need it.



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