Saturn Square Uranus: Round One

Saturn Square Uranus: Round One, Part 1 (February 17th, 2021)

As Saturn forms his exact square to Uranus today, I am struck by how succinctly the aspect is being reflected here on Earth. To begin with, we are seeing much of the Northern Hemisphere in a deep freeze. It is winter, but this level of freezing weather is exceptional. Surprising (Uranus) as it might be, Saturn is in the winter quadrant of the zodiac (for the Northern Hemisphere) and is in co-presence with, basically, the entire celestial convocation except for Mars and Uranus, and the Moon, which joins both today in tropical Taurus. Tropical Aquarius falls in the center of the winter quadrant of the Tropical zodiac, while Tropical Taurus falls in the center of the spring quadrant of the Tropical zodiac, and Saturn (with his celestial cohorts, especially retrograde Mercury) is making the superior square to Uranus. So, (Surprise!) its winter, and in a big way. No unexpected early spring for you! As someone who has just spent several days without power or heat, and is likely to loose it again tonight, I can tell you that Saturn is making himself, and his position in the Tropical zodiac, felt, and because it is Saturn, that is not without reason, purpose or planning. 

Retrograde Mercury is drawing a line under the message of Saturn. Transiting within four degrees of the conjunction to Saturn, their influence is combined, and so ‘frozen in place’ has become literal. Mercury is nearing the end of his retrograde cycle, and so we can expect the message to be delivered loud and clear so that we can rethink, and then begin to act on, those new thoughts as Mercury turns direct on the 20th/21st. On the 18th (Thursday) the Sun exits Tropical Aquarius, moving into Tropical Pisces, and so the great Aquarian convocation begins to break up, with the faster planets carrying the dictates of Saturn forward with them to activate the celestial passion play through their transits of the upcoming year. It is important today (Wednesday, 17th) to seek to experience our feelings about where we are and what we are experiencing, because the emotions and feelings (our hopes and fears) will tell us about the deep content that the Saturn/Uranus square is activating for us as individuals. Further, on the 19th Venus will square Mars, so quick forward movement is unlikely, though we may be able to begin to formulate a direction, and understand what we want and desire as we move forward.

I have seen a lot of prognosticating about what the series of Saturn/Uranus squares will mean for 2021 and beyond, and much of it has focused on an interpretation of the revolutionary qualities of Uranus and the Tropical sign of Aquarius, often trying to equate the planet and the sign as pretty much identical forces. And while Uranus might have some association with Aquarius, Aquarius is not by its basic nature a leftist radical, any more than Saturn is, by its basic nature, always an old conservative. Those stereotypes are too simplistic, dualistic and extreme, and one dimensional.

What I have felt the Saturn/Uranus squares would highlight is issues around the earth, energy, resources, climate and distribution of these things; the surprises and obstacles all revolving around these points, with politics, and potentially revolutionary trends, stemming from and being related to these issues, rather than being the singular focus. It is easy to think that our little lives, our little political systems and beliefs, are real and profound things, but they are just more of Jupiter’s shell game - delusions that we decorate our mind-spaces with, mental jewelry at best, mental masturbation at worst. But nature? Yeah, that seems to be as real as anything is real, and far more real than our beliefs and the stories we tell to make ourselves seem the center of creation. Nature, touched by Saturn, seems to be as real as it gets here on earth. And while, like the colony organism we are, we quickly reassemble our anthills when nature knocks them down, in one fell swoop nature can wipe us off the map, should the right circumstance converge. And, we probably couldn’t do anything about it, beyond wailing and moaning and shaking our fists at our imaginary gods for abounding us. But Saturn never does anything without a reason. Despite some popular opinion, Saturn isn’t just some mindless force designed to rain on your joy-parade…a black fly in your chardonnay.

What Saturn does has meaning, reason and is part of a plan. With Saturn in co-presence with so many other planets in Tropical Aquarius, and then squaring Uranus and Mars, Saturn is directing us to look away from our ideologies of endless expansion and “the economy” and look at real (not imagined) aspects and consequences of the planet we live on, how we treat it, think about it and deal with the resources we derive from it. For the last two-hundred plus years we have been in a Great Conjunction cycle dealing with the element of earth, and so we have exploited the real-estate of the planet and the resources derived from it, creating ideologies of endless expansion, property, benefit and stratification wherein a select few reaped tremendous benefits while everyone else got crumbs, or less. Now, moving into a new two-hundred year cycle of the Great Conjunctions, that story will change. It won’t change because you, or I, or anyone else has decided it will. It is changing because the Universe has decided it will, because that is what these astrological cycles reflect - the mind of the Universe, as expressed through shifting cycles, seeking new experiences. When the Universe shifts, we all move with it, because we are not just independent entities sitting on a random rock in space, but cells within the body of the Universe, a part of that whole. When the homeostasis of the ALL changes, we change with it, like it or not, want it or not, and no amount of trying will stop the changes when they are dictated by the greater cycles, nor can they be brought about before the cycle has activated them.

On the political level, we see a reflection of this. In spite of the clear winds of change, the old system here in the US has chained itself to the bow of the sinking ship of the past, determined to go down with the ship rather than even consider any kind of change. Seeing the writing on the wall, the energy sector that has so benefited from the last Great Conjunction cycle in earth creates shadow-puppets and boogiemen to whip up outrage and fear, yet there is less and less fertile ground for their poisonous seeds, as the new cycle unfolds and moves time and tide on past them. One of the most amazing examples to occur just as the first Saturn/Uranus square occurs is the governor of Texas, an oil-economy with a closed energy system designed for maximum profit with minimum output and one of the hardest hit US states by the current deep freeze, pretending that the problems in Texas with the freezing weather is caused by “The Green New Deal”, a piece of legislation that has never been passed and exists only in theory. A convenient boogieman as the old energy sector of fire, rocks, gas and dinosaur goo struggles to maintain the status quo in the face of the certainty of change. And why not? They have successfully put off the future for decades, or so it seems to them, and at the time that was the manifestation of the cosmic cycle, or they couldn’t have done it. But now that the Chronocators deem change, will those old tactics continue to work?

But American isn’t the only part for the earth being hit. Much of the Northern Hemisphere is under a deep freeze, with even Greece being hit with heavy snow and cold. I saw images of the Parthenon, Acropolis and Temple of Zeus covered in snow today on the news. Home of the old Greek gods and goddesses whose names label the planets we are discussing, how interesting that even their ancestral home is feeling the effects in this direct and obvious way. Yet, the cold isn’t the only manifestation. Mount Etna is exploding in Italy, a huge iceberg is about to break off into the ocean in Antarctica, and Japan had a massive earthquake aftershock from a previous 9.0+ quake. All over the earth, in weather, geology and climate patterns, the Saturn/Uranus square is showing. Don’t be surprised when this accelerates through 2021.

Certainly, the political will be a part of the Saturn/Uranus square story. Today, just as the square is becoming exact, news broke that Rush Limbaugh, right-wing hate jockey and outrage provocateur has died. Having done so much to push the rightwing movement in the US forward in the last forty years, his passing would appear to be a statement of the planetary aspects and their meaning. While we tend to focus on the most sensational and autocratic figures, the rightwing and its push toward fascism should be seen for what it is - an effort to uphold an old socio-economic model based around a pyramid scheme benefitting a very rich handful, while suppressing and impoverishing the masses, using lowest-common denominators such as racism, misogyny, homophobia, jingoism and class grievance as tools to maintain that structure. It must be remembered that the textbook definition of fascism is the union of industry and state to the benefit of industry. So the idea that the political is somehow separate from the natural or ecological is silly when seen in that light, for the essence of the industrial model of the last two-hundred years has been exploitation of the physical matter - earth and the natural world. Thus, while the Saturn/Uranus squares are, first and foremost, about the earth, natural resources and our values, rather than politics, the two are inseparable because in the previous Great Conjunction cycle, the two went hand-in-hand, inextricably bound.

To what extent will the political and the ecological go hand-in-hand in the new air element cycle? That is still to be determined, but as policy will effect the ecological you can expect that no matter what ideological forms they may take, the two will continue to influence and impact each other. On the smaller level, I might venture to guess that we will see new calls for a transformation of infrastructure, the energy grid and distribution systems based upon the events of this first Saturn/Uranus square. This will likely benefit new technologies more than the old, fossil-fuel-based systems. As vaccinations for Covid19 increase, the emergence of new and perhaps more virulent strains of the pathogen may cut into forward motion with slowing the pandemic through 2021. Crypto-currencies are seeing a sudden surge of interest and popularity with high market values, and this trend will likely continue, with jumps and starts, as Uranus transits Tropical Taurus. New ways of dealing with all Taurian issues are a certainty, though this will not be as fast as most would like, and there will be a strong Venusian flavor to the most successful new trends to emerge. Taking a close look at the trends unfolding today, over the next couple of weeks and throughout 2021 will help to give us indicators, and maybe even a window, into what we should expect as the twenty-year Saturn /Jupiter cycle unfolds, leading us on into the longer, two-hundred year cycle of the Great Conjunctions in the air element signs of the Tropical zodiac.

Saturn Square Uranus: Round One, Part 2

While I have discussed the square between Saturn and Uranus in terms of the Tropical zodiac, I want to now look at the square from the context of the True Constellation Sidereal zodiac (TCS). While the Tropical zodiac will tell what is going on at the surface level, and especially in terms of the quadrants and seasonality of the squares, the TCS zodiac will show us a deeper layer, but one that may, in the long run, develop lasting impacts and long term outcomes that will become very obvious and apparent. The layering of the two systems creates the reality we experience, with all its subtleties and shading.

It is interesting to note that the moving, precessing true constellational placements are about a whole sign behind the constant and unchanging seasonal Tropical signs. This has been the case for nearly two millennia, and so we live at the end of the age when the Tropical and True constellations fall in a 1:12 pattern, not unlike a semi-sextile, which is a weak, but not malefic, aspect. This is a subtle but also not very comfortable arrangement, as it layers elements that are generally not so compatible; fire over water, earth over fire, air over earth, water over air. There is a lot of meaning to be found in that layering. In time, as the true constellations continue to precess backwards moving the TCS zodiac ever further back through the Tropical zodiac, the layering of compatibilities changes, and so the peoples of different eras manifest differently. In certain parts of the cycle the signs of the Tropical and the TCS zodiacs that are layered are compatible (sextiles, trines) and at others they are less compatible (squares, inconjunct, oppositions). The way the layering occurs determines the capacities of the peoples that live during each layering. The current 1:12 pattern seems to manifest as a tremendous amount of subconscious baggage and a constant drive toward realigning conscious beliefs in light of new information. It is a useful, if slow combination - trial and error as teacher.

When we look at the current transits of Saturn and Uranus, the Tropical placements are Aquarius and Taurus, respectively, but when we look at their real placements in the sky with the TCS zodiac, Saturn is in Capricorn and Uranus is in Aries. All three squares between the two planets will take place in these TCS signs. What is remarkable and very interesting is that Saturn is in its own signs in both zodiacs, and so is very empowered. Elementally Saturn is operating through earth and air - the two elements where Saturn is most fully expressed. Uranus is in Taurus and Aries - earth and fire. Uranus is not associated with either sign, and those who do associate Uranus with a sign will associate it with Aquarius, where Saturn is placed in the Tropical zodiac, and traditionally ruled by Saturn. 

For me, the Outer Planets are forces beyond the day-to-day life upon earth and as such aren’t associated with signs in the way the inner planets, from Saturn to the Sun, are. In this regard, I am not so much looking to the placement of Uranus to determine its empowerment through rulership, as I feel Uranus can work through any sign. But as with all the Outer Planets, Uranus must enter the realm of earthly concerns and manifest through Saturn, which gives form to all within the physical, but even if we do consider Uranus as ruling Aquarius, Saturn is still there in the Tropical zodiac and in superior square to Uranus through that sign. So no matter how you slice it, Saturn is the planet in charge of this series of squares with Uranus. We find that in multiple ways and through both zodiacs.

When we consider the square of these two planets from a purely elemental perspective, the common point is that both Saturn and Uranus are in earth in one of the zodiacal systems, and the other elements are air and fire. In Tropical, the square is air to earth, while in TCS the square is earth to fire - so the square manifests as earth/air in the superior position to fire/earth in the inferior position. Looking at the rulerships of the signs involved, obviously, Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn (and maybe Uranus, if your into that kind of thing), while Aries and Taurus are ruled by Mars and Venus, respectively. It is then interesting to note that at the time of the first Saturn/Uranus square on February 17th, Venus was co-present with Saturn in Tropical Aquarius and Mars was co-present with Uranus in Tropical Taurus. Venus was also in applying square to Mars within two degrees of exactitude. The deeper we dig the more we see Saturn (and Venus) having the upper hand in this activating square, and Uranus (and Mars) restrained.

So even when we switch from the signs of the Tropical zodiac to the signs of the TCS zodiac, in this particular instance, the meaning and symbolism remains remarkably steady. Saturn, and his two signs, is the ruler of this event. The differences are subtle, really, with little difference in terms of the Saturn end, but with some differences on the Uranus end of things.

Saturn Square Uranus: Round One, Part 3

Putting It All Together

Contraction of Energy. In simplest terms, that is exactly what it means. Let’s look at why.

The planets involved, as well as the signs, illuminate this clearly. First, we have to look at the planetary placements of the Great Conjunction, for it set the story into motion. Then we look at the planets and signs of the recent square of both Jupiter and Saturn to Uranus.

At the Great Conjunction we saw:

  • Sun - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Moon - Tropical Aries, TCS Pisces/Aries cusp
  • Mercury - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Venus - Tropical Sagittarius, TCS Ophiuchus
  • Mars - Tropical Aries, TCS Pisces
  • Jupiter - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Saturn -  Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Uranus - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Neptune - Tropical Pisces, TCS Aquarius
  • Pluto - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Chiron - Tropical Aries, TCS Pisces

So the signs are all Sag (Jupiter), Cap (Saturn) Aquarius (Saturn), Pisces (Jupiter), Aries (Mars) and Taurus (Venus), with the one exception of Venus also being in Ophiuchus in the TCS zodiac, which I think it remarkably important, ruling Taurus as Venus does and being a benefic. I believe this implies a pathway to healing an old collective wound, and probably one that is self-inflicted, within this new Saturn/Jupiter cycle.

At the first (and only) square of Jupiter to Uranus we saw:

  • Sun - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Moon - Tropical Pisces, TCS Aquarius
  • Mercury - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Venus - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Mars - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Jupiter - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Saturn -  Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Uranus - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Neptune - Tropical Pisces, TCS Aquarius
  • Pluto - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Chiron - Tropical Aries, TCS Pisces

So, again, the signs are all Sag (Jupiter), Cap (Saturn) Aquarius (Saturn), Pisces (Jupiter), Aries (Mars) and Taurus (Venus), and this time Venus is no longer partially out of the mix, being fully in Tropical Cap/TCS Sag. This Jupiter/Uranus square, with Jupiter in Saturn-ruled signs in both zodiacs, implies that benefit comes now not through unfettered expansion and ideological fervor, but through the surprising idea of contraction and reevaluation - reality - as well as through implementation of new and maybe even unexpected energy sources and technologies.

At the first square (of three) of Saturn to Uranus we saw:

  • Sun - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Moon - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Mercury - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Venus - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Mars - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Jupiter - Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Saturn -  Tropical Aquarius, TCS Capricorn
  • Uranus - Tropical Taurus, TCS Aries
  • Neptune - Tropical Pisces, TCS Aquarius
  • Pluto - Tropical Capricorn, TCS Sagittarius
  • Chiron - Tropical Aries, TCS Pisces

So, again, the signs are all Sag (Jupiter), Cap (Saturn) Aquarius (Saturn), Pisces (Jupiter), Aries (Mars) and Taurus (Venus), and this time Venus is in Tropical Aquarius/TCS Cap. What I find very interesting is that even the Moon, with her very fast motion, has managed to fall in the same sets of signs as the other planets at each of these events, underscoring the full intent of the planetary energies.

So now, let’s consider just the signs:

*Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, representing expansion, ideology (belief), wealth, temporal power and activity.
*Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, representing contraction and restriction, reality and wisdom, solidified power structures and ossification of systems.
*Aquarius, also ruled by Saturn, representing broader vision and advanced knowledge, concern for outsiders and the individual, but also representing discipline with a restrictive quality.
*Pisces, also ruled by Jupiter, representing expansion, faith (belief), and inspiration/delusion.
*Aries, ruled by Mars, representing action, energy, energy usage and management, and aggression.
*Taurus, ruled by Venus, representing the earth, riches, luxury, goods, values, the arts, creativity and beauty.

*Finally, Ophiuchus is the wounded healer archetype, which is at least associated with Chiron, if not ruled by the centaur himself, and symbolizes resurrection and healing against impossible odds, as well as hidden and unexpected inner power and resources.

It is interesting to note that all the signs involved, in both zodiacs, involve only the Winter Quadrant and the beginning of the Spring Quadrant of the zodiac. This alone suggests a series of endings and new beginnings. So what a tangled web the stars have woven, but it can be untangled. It is so tightly interwoven as to be all but incestuous, but the meaning, to me, seems starkly clear.

Having moved out of a 2,600-year period of the Yuga cycle as applied to the Precessional cycle, and into a new 2,600-year phase of the Yuga cycle as applied to the Precessional cycle of the ages (though the precessional age has not changed yet), as well as moving into a new phase of the Saturn/Jupiter cycle, both on the twenty-year level and a two-hundred year level, we are looking at the end of history (the Yuga/Precessional cycle), or at least, the end of a long period of history, as well as the end of the last phase of that prior story (the two-hundred year Saturn/Jupiter cycle). The last few years have seemed extremely turbulent, for while the Yuga cycle changed about eight years ago, the Saturn/Jupiter cycle, which has much more impact on our immediate, day-to-day earthly lives, only changed in December 2020. This created a period of about eight years during which the new Yuga cycle was only beginning to manifest and move, out-of-sight and below the surface, stirring up the lowest energies of the previous age. Now that the more obvious and earthly Great Conjunction cycle has shifted, we will see much more obvious change, and while that change isn’t a “total destruction of the world”, it isn’t an “instant golden age” either. So what is it?

Well, as with all beginnings, it is a time to take the utmost care. And it is a beginning on multiple levels, but even more so, it is a period of potential reprieve, wherein we can take the lessons of our past, set them aright, and move forward - or not. Here’s the thing. We are barreling toward the precessional age of Aquarius, and even though that is some hundreds of years off, it is a karmic destination of our species, but that also means that we are still in the precessional age of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, and we have come out of a long, dark, delusional phase of the sign/planetary ruler as the Age/Lord of the Age, and what we have seen throughout the age is the worst face of Pisces/Jupiter - delusional belief, endless expansion, drastic inequality, toxic ideologies, exploitation of resources and peoples based in ideologies, rampant greed and wealth acquisition, and through it all the active destruction of the natural world. Now I know everyone wants to think Aquarius is some kind of joyful panacea for all ills, with no effort…but really? A Saturn-ruled sign?

Saturn judges and restricts. And we have a lot of areas where we will be judged and found wanting, and restriction could be extremely painful based upon how out of balance we are. So this period, with the shift of Yuga cycle to Ascending Bronze from Ascending Iron and with the Great Conjunctions now falling into air, where we can apply intelligence and knowledge, gives us a period of reprieve to get the end of the current precessional age right, and apply the higher energies of Pisces/Jupiter, curb our endless-expansion models and start caring for the earth and each other, or we face Saturn’s age as the selfish, destructive children we have been for the entirety of the iron age. Does that sound fun to you? It doesn’t to me, and I know Saturn very well.

And yet, I have hope. In the configurations of the December 2020 Great Conjunction and the squares of Jupiter and Saturn to Uranus in 2021, I see the restraining force of reality lurking. We desperately need it, because we as a species are so far out of balance as to be beyond ridiculous. We must look more like a ravenous disease than caretakers to anyone watching. If we don’t balance our childish, fear-based drives, what future can our species hope to have? We should remember that a Saturn judgement can be a final judgement, should we push too far, and not because Saturn is some horrible force, but because there are laws of cause and effect at work here, and there is always a point of no return. I don’t think we are there yet, but there must be a point where we would reach it. I hope we don’t find out what that point is, but we are not guaranteed continuation as a species, as the dinosaurs can attest, despite what our childish, fear-based, self-important, iron-age belief systems have told us.

All the signs involved in the Great Conjunction and the Uranus squares revolve around Saturn and Jupiter, with involvement of Mars and Venus. So this immediately tells me that we are looking at a struggle between expansion and contraction, with contraction having the upper hand, revolving around the natural world, energy and its usage and our ideas, ideals and aesthetic about these issues. Because we are dealing with the shifting of long cycles, these are old, long-term issues. What happens will depend on how we respond. If we respond by voluntarily restricting our own over-expansion, then we will be rewarded by Saturn, who has many gifts to give to those who apply discipline, not the least of which is the realization of reality. But if we double-down, insist that it is ‘our-way-or-the-highway’, then Saturn is going to deliver some ass-kicking in the form of ever-increasing natural disasters and plagues. We create reality through our responses, and one way or the other, Saturn is now set to rein us in, like it or not. How much we cooperate will determine whether Saturn shows his favor or his judgement.

In this first square of Saturn to Uranus, this pattern couldn’t have been more obvious, with the incredibly cold (Saturn) weather (air signs) hitting so much of the Northern Hemisphere, and especially Texas (THE oil producing state with an energy grid designed to increase fossil fuel profits at the expense of caring for its people). While such disasters may look like “punishments”, they are not. They are wakeup calls, designed to snap us out of our inertia. We have to change some basic underlying themes that have been persistent throughout the iron age, and especially so through the last two-hundred year period of the Great Conjunctions - ideologies of endless expansion (“humans own the earth”, “manifest destiny”, “only the economy matters”, “drill, baby, drill”), resource hoarding and mismanagement, class and racial inequality, pyramidal power structures, and control mechanisms based in toxic, unrealistic, ideological fantasies. Saturn is the bringer of truth, for Saturn rules all hidden knowledge, and Saturn is the restrictive force that limits that which has gone beyond its bounds. Saturn is also the force of reality. The reality is that we have fucked up and we have to rein this beast in, while we still can. The next few centuries gives us the period in which to do that, because the Precessional Age of Aquarius won’t be some Utopian fantasy, should we try to enter it as is.

So let’s give the signs of the squares one final look, and see how they stack up.

At the first Saturn/Uranus square, which initiated the cycle, we had Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn in Tropical Aquarius/TCS Capricorn - so all Saturn-ruled - making the superior (controlling) square to Mars/Uranus. We had Mars and Uranus in Tropical Taurus/TCS Aries (Venus and Mars) in the inferior position, taking marching orders from the Saturnian convocation concerning issues of earth and energy. We had Neptune in Tropical Pisces/TCS Aquarius (and just about to exit TCS Aquarius for TCS Pisces, which occurs at 20 to 21 degrees of Tropical Pisces). Neptune is revealing our delusions and will continue to for many years to come (as it will be in both Tropical and TCS Pisces until it exists Tropical Pisces in 2026, and will then continue on in TCS Pisces for a couple of decades). We had Chiron in Tropical Aries/TCS Pisces, showing us that our wound is both about how we use our energy resources and what we believe about that - the ideology of expansion, our right to endless expansion and how in the end that wounds us. Finally, we had Pluto in Tropical Capricorn and TCS Sagittarius, revealing and transforming hidden conduits of power, power structures, and the need to rein in our model of endless expansion before it destroys us.

The Superior square of the Saturn convocation is purely Saturnian in both zodiacs, so that is all about restriction and reality, discipline and applying effort to right imbalances. It is interesting that Venus, ruler of Taurus, is part of that Saturnian convocation, while Mars is in Tropical Taurus (ruled by Venus - i.e., a wake up call of Venusian values and how we treat her things, especially the earth), while also in TCS Aries, which Mars rules, and is all about energy and energy usage. Synthesized, this tells me that the whole message of the Saturnian convocation in square to Mars/Uranus is about a surprising turn in how we deal with our energies, our energy needs and usage and our treatment of the earth, our aesthetic about how we live and use our energy, and a restriction and returning to reality that allows us to align with the dictates of Saturnian principles. Oh, yeah, and Saturn will win, because its bigger than you, and it will always beat you, so in the end, all one can do in the face of Saturnian dictates is to bow, oblige and thank him for his wisdom…or else. 

In time, such actions of restriction and facing reality as this moment is calling for will work to our advantage, and the Uranian surprise in all this is that this doesn’t spell the end of the world, but the beginning of a new, better cycle that may be uncomfortable and a little scary, painful to birth, but worth every bitter pill we must swallow and every inconvenience or delay it brings in the short-term, because in the long term it allows our species to survive into the next chapter of its story, and perhaps in a bit better version with newer, better and more earth-friendly technologies and more human-friendly social structures that considers the individual and the whole. I firmly expect the next two Saturn/Uranus squares to reiterate the themes we have seen here at the first square. How we respond will determine our future and our fate. Good luck!



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