Page Updates and Organization

I have made a few modification to the page for easier navigation.

First, I have added an Index Page, which lists all the Main Pages and Individual Posts.

The Main Pages are also all found in the Navigation Bar at the top of every page and post at the blog, as well as on the side bar at the left hand side of each page and post. The Main Pages each deal with specific subjects and will contain a list of posts (ever-growing!) that relate to the subject of the page. Over time, the number of Main Pages will undoubtedly increase, so keep an eye out for new pages, which will, of course, be added to the list in the Index Page.

Individual Posts are all listed in the Index Page. They are listed in chronological order, from oldest to newest.

I have also added a Follow My Blog feature, for those who wish to follow the blog, and that can be found in the upper left hand side of the blog in the side bar.


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