The Light of the Morning Star

The Morning Star is come, and we now are within her embrace. Hail Inanna of the Morning! Hail Venus of the Eastern Horizon, announcing the rising Sun!

Hail Inanna of the Eastern Horizon, who offers hope and guidance! You who are the brightest star of dawn. You who connect us to the ancestors who dwell in the Underworld! For lo, you have risen from the depths and bring forth the messages of those who have gone before!

I call to you protector, bringer of justice! You, who have drawn your sword to dive into battle against injustice and oppression. You who guard the downtrodden and the powerless! We see you upon the Eastern Horizon, shining bright, come from the land of death to bring truth and justice, to bring delight and balance!

Venus will be in her Morning Star phase from June 10, 2020 through March 26, 2021 within the range of 13 degrees of Tropical Gemini to 5 degrees of Tropical Aries. For the next nine months Venus is at its most active (yang) and carries the quality of will and purpose. The fullness of this energy doesn't happen all at once, but unfolds over the full period of the Venus cycle, actively during the Morning Star phase, and then is integrated during the next Evening Star phase. As the retrograde period of Venus starts the new cycle of Venus at the Cazimi with the Sun, the first half (20 days) of the retrograde is for relinquishing the old, and not a time to start new things, but once the retrograde has reached its halfway point at the Cazimi, we can begin to embrace the new and start planning new ways of being, new projects and new plans. Venus rules beauty, values and our sense of aesthetic, that which we love and derive pleasure from, how we feel about the issues we encounter in life and in the world at large. At the Cazimi, we can begin a new cycle, reevaluating our values and aesthetic, that which brings us joy, our place in the world, and begin to move forward again with new vigor and new energy.

This release of the old may bring with it pain and suffering. We may be asked to see a new viewpoint that is uncomfortable. We may encounter hidden aspects of ourself that block our highest expression of fairness, truth and beauty. We may have to give up something we love and cherish. Even as Inanna was stripped of her raiments of power, we are stripped down to our core, to die to the old, to be reborn to the new. The key to this process is that we have a period of seven days after the Cazimi during which Venus is not visible in the morning sky, and it is during this time that we may come to understand how to move forward and what we will move forward with. We do not have to know this on the exact day of the Cazimi. We have a week to meditate upon it, to prepare for the rising of the Morning Star, and the new light she brings into our lives. Usually life shows us this new path without our even searching. If you haven't found it within the seven days after the Cazimi, give it time, as Venus will be the Morning Star for several months, giving us time to find out new footing. Take the days after the Cazimi to search your soul, to find where you are being shown by the Universe to make changes, and then make whatever preparations you need to make. Whether it be for spell-working, an incantation or simply a list to organize your plans, you have some time to make those preparations. 

It is important, even after June 10th, to try and not move too quickly. The Venus/Sun Cazimi and the full Moon eclipse two days later are both squared by Mars, so incautious haste is ill-advised, and further, we are in the shadow of the upcoming Mercury retrograde, so make your plans and then slowly, cautiously and wisely begin to manifest your new beginning. Once Mars transits from Tropical Pisces to Tropical Mars, and Mercury goes direct in July, there will be a window where action may be implemented that will last into early September, when Mars then goes retrograde. Once Mars goes retrograde, we will have the opportunity to slow our work with Venus, and allow the progress we have made since July to settle in, be reevaluated, and then once again, beginning in January 2021, we will have a period through March to again move on our Venusian work before the Evening Star phase begins and we integrate what was begun in June at the beginning of the Morning Star phase.

I beseech you, Lady of Ladies, Goddess of Goddesses, Queen of all humanity! 

You are the Light of the World and the Light of Heaven, Queen of Heaven and Earth!

At your name the Earth and the Heavens shake, and the gods tremble before your name!

The spirits of Heaven tremble at your ascent from the depths and mankind holds you in awe!

Where you glance, life arises, and injustice flees before your gaze! The oppressed are lifted up, when they see you rise!

Lo, you are the Keeper of the Storehouse and you are generous to all mankind!

From your breast nourishment rains!

From your hands nourishment pours!

From your heart nourishment streams!

You are the Morning Star!

You are the Evening Star!

You are the Star of Heaven!

And all humanity is blessed by your light! 

Rise from the Underworld!

And shine your light down upon us! 

Bring justice and peace!

And bring fairness and balance to all humanity!

Morning Prayer to Inanna

My Lady looks in sweet wonder from heaven.
The people of Sumer parade before the holy Inanna.
Inanna, the Lady of the Morning, is radiant.
I sing your praises, holy Inanna.
The Lady of the Morning is radiant on the horizon.

~excerpted from Wolkstein/Kramer, Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth



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