Sun Sign Comedy 1

I was recently thinking about a sentence ending for each of the Tropical zodiac sun signs and came up with this list. Each sentence ender can be attached to absolutely any sentence, turning it into a sentence about that particular Tropical zodiac sun sign. Here we go...

1. Aries - "...turning to anger."

2. Taurus - "...without disturbing their comfort."

3. Gemini - "...while over-intellectualizing."

4. Cancer - "...while feeling overly-emotional."

5. Leo - "...while making it all about themselves."

6. Virgo - "...while caught up in the details."

7. Libra - "...while being indecisive and uncertain."

8. Scorpio - "...while plotting revenge."

9. Sagittarius - "...after too much coffee."

10. Capricorn - "...with total disappointment."

11. Aquarius - "...while judging you and quoting a conspiracy theory."

12. Pisces - "...while being unclear and emotionally distraught."


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