Pluto, Saturn, Mercury Triumvirate

Over many years of observation, I have noticed that these three planets are deeply related and intertwined. Much that is attributed to Pluto now, by modern astrologers, was attributed to Saturn by traditional, ancient astrologers. So that part is obvious. Mercury, though, that may seem less obvious to you, but there is a strong correlation, and it is through knowledge.

In ancient astrology, Saturn ruled knowledge and wisdom, as well as hidden knowledge, which is now associated more with Pluto. Mercury is not so much hidden knowledge, but is all knowledge - intelligence. This is because, as messenger of the gods, Mercury hears everything, ad so becomes a clearinghouse for information - intelligence. Mercury also rules intelligence, as in 'smarts'. So the combination of intelligence and intelligence - the doubled view - gives Mercury access to an incredible range of knowledge, and so access to the hidden and higher knowledge that Saturn and Pluto specialize in.
I view these three planets - Mercury, Saturn and Pluto - as a hierarchy of the same basic theme. Mercury is the lower, real world level of knowledge, or the application of higher, hidden knowledge to real world problems. Saturn is about the hidden, higher knowledge of how the physical reality works, and Saturn brings the non-physical into the physical, and so has the knowledge of manifestation. Pluto, being the furthest out, is the hidden, secret knowledge of all things beyond form. The three work together to bring knowledge from outside form into form and then into practical application in our day-to-day lives.


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